Chol Collection of Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez and Jessica Coon
Colección del Chol de Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez y Jessica Coon
Object Details
Collection Language | Ch'ol |
Language PID | ailla:119634 |
Title [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Title | |
Title | Chol Collection of Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez and Jessica Coon |
Country(ies) | Mexico |
Collector(s) | Vázquez Álvarez, Juan Jesús Coon, Jessica |
Depositor(s) | Vázquez Álvarez, Juan Jesús Coon, Jessica |
Project/Collector Website | |
Description [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Description | |
Description | The collection consists of audio and video recordings in Ch’ol, a Mayan language spoken in Mexico known to its speakers as Lakty’añ and sometimes written as Chol. Many of these audio and video recordings have been transcribed and/or translated into Spanish. Most recordings were made in 2018, though some materials in the collection were recorded in two earlier periods: the 2002 recordings of Carmelino Jiménez by Elmar Martínez and Pedro Gutiérrez and recordings made by Juan Jesús Vázquez in 2007 and 2008. The collection as of May 2019 has
The material recorded in 2018 was created as part of a National Geographic-funded documentation project led by Jessica Coon and Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez, in collaboration with Nicolás Arcos López at the Universidad Intercultural de Tabasco and Bernabé Vázquez Sánchez at the Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas. Through a series of hands-on workshops at these two universities and at CIESAS-Sureste, Chol-speaking undergraduate students were trained in all aspects of the recording and transcription process. The students traveled to their home communities and recorded their family members and friends. These stories were curated, transcribed, and translated. The resulting material presents the work they have done to document their language according to their interests and the interests of their communities. The corpus contains a variety of genres and represents a number of different Chol-speaking communities from the major dialect regions. More information about the project and documentation project can be found on the website. See the Chol Collection of Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez and Jessica Coon Finding Aid for more detailed information about the collection's contents as of September 2019. |
References |
- A hardworking small child, cleaned hectares of land to make a cornfield, but after each workday trees grow in the field, and it is as if he had not worked. This child, it is said, was Jesus Christ., Refiere a un niño, que decían era Jesucristo, que limpiaba hectáreas de terreno para la milpa, pero el monte se levantaba de nuevo., Juñtyikil xkolel, che' abi bajche' Cristo, muk' abi ichojloñ matye'el, jiñjach che' mi isäk'añ cha' tyejcheñixbi ili pimel., ctu-20020729-cjg-sajalob
- They used to celebrate the captain who dressed in a red shirt and black pants., Anteriormente festejaban lo que es el capitán, se vestían con camisas de color rojo y pantalón negro., Mi imejlel k'iñijel wajali cha'añ xkapityañob, mi iläpob chächäkbä bujkäl yik'oty i'ik' wex., ctu_20180725_mdj_kinijel kapityan
- The midwife receives newborns day and night, is responsible for their care, how many months begins to attend the pregnant woman., La atención de la partera hacia la embarazada y su participación en el cuidado del recién nacido., Bajche' mi ikäñtyäñtyel peñajo'bä x-ixikob yik'oty bajche' mi ikäñtyäñtyel alälob., ctu_20180423_mml_loty alal
- Pre-publication version of Jessica Coon's chapter in The Mayan Languages (2017)., Versión pre-publicación del capítulo de Jessica Coon en The Mayan Languages (2017)., Coon, Jessica. 2017. Ch'ol. In The Mayan Languages, Judith Aissen, Nora C. England & Roberto Zavala Maldonado (eds.). London: Routledge
- A short interview of cultural change and the importance of grandparents' knowledge., Una pequeña entrevista del cambio cultural y la importancia del conocimiento de los abuelos., Ik'ajtyiñtyel bajche' wo ik'extyäyel lakña'tyäbal yik'oty bajche' yom lakjak' iña'tyäbal lakñojtye'elob., ctu_20180425_fma_cambio cultural
- The dog's tongue belonged to the alligator, and he did not return it when he borrowed water to drink., La lengua del perro le pertenecía al lagarto, ya no le regresó cuando le pidió prestado para tomar agua., Li yak' ts'i'i, icha'añbi ajjiñ wajali, tsa'jachbi itsuk' majñä li ts'i', jiñjach che' ma'ix tyi icha' sutyki., ctu-20020729-cjg-yaktsi
- A woman had two older children, but when their mother gave birth to another baby, so they hated it so much., Una mujer tuvo dos hijos y cuando éstos ya eran grandes, llegó un hermanito al que odiaron mucho., Juñtyikil lakña’ añ abi cha’tyikil ñuko’bixbä yalo’bil, che’ tsa’ ch'ok-ä yambä aläl, ili askuñälob tsa’ kaji its’a'leñob., ctu_20180406_fas_tsaba itsaleyob yala ijtsin
- How the men are hypntized when they meet the woman on the road and the role the healer plays to help them., Lo que puede pasar después de un encuentro con la mala mujer y el papel del curandero para ayudar a la persona., Chä'bä mi lakcha'añ che' mi laktyaje' x-ajaw yik'oty bajche' mejl ikotyañoñla xts'akejel., ctu_20180418_egs_mala mujer
- Narration on the feast of the Virgin Mary, preparations ahead of the big party and what happens each day., La fiesta de la Virgen María, los preparativos antes de la gran fiesta y como acontece día con día., Ik'iñejel lakña' Maria, bajche' mi ichajpäñtyel ili k'iñ yik'oty chu mi yujtyel jujump'ej k'iñ., ctu_20180214?_rmj_kinchujuna
- The creation of rising water in times of heavy rain. It is believed to be a snake with horns that comes out of a cave., La creciente de agua en tiempos de lluvia y su asociación con serpiente con cuernos que sale de una Cueva., Lukum ambä ixulu', lok'embä tyälel tyi ch'eñ che' añ buty'ja'lel., ctu-20020730-cjg-xulubchan
- Previously the community's river was clean and used for domestic purposes but can no longer be used because it is polluted., Anteriormente, el río que pasa por la comunidad estaba limpio, actualmente ya está contaminado., Wajali jiñi ñoja’ añbä tyi xchumtyäl weñ yäxtyo, wäle bi’bi'ix., ctu_20100110_glr_xchumtyal tyi wajali
- The hunters' dogs were attacked by a jaguar, caretaker of the forest animals. The jaguar went into a cave and very cunning hunters managed to kill and eat it, but not before doing a ritual., Unos perros fueron atacados por un tigre. Los cazadores lograron matarlo y se comieron su carne, no sin antes hacer un ritual., Ts'i' tsa'bä tsänsäñtyiyob tyi bajläm. Tyi itsänsäyob li bajläm, ya'i tyi ik'uxuyob, jiñjach che' ñaxañ tyi imelbeyob ixajb., ctu_20020730-cjg-yumwits
- The story of a woman who didn't know how to work in the kitchen who learned after being tied to tree with an anthill., Una mujer que no sabía trabajar en la cocina y la amarraron en un árbol donde había un hormigas., Juñtyikil x-ixik machbä yujil melbälñäk'äl tyi kächäyob tyi tye' ba' añ xiñich'., ctu_20180425_fma_correctivo
- The story of a man who came from Petalcingo and on the way met people who were preparing human flesh., Un hombre que venía de Petalcingo se encontró con personas que estaban cocinando carne humana., Juñtyikil wiñik t sajñibä tyi Petalcingo tyi ityaja chonkolbä ich'äyob bä'tyäl kixtyañuj., ctu_20180418_jdl_hechizeros