AILLA License
AILLA Depositor License Agreement
"I, _________________________________, authorize AILLA to preserve and archive the materials included in this deposit and listed in the attached AILLA Metadata Sheet. Specific conditions regarding access to these materials are specified therein.
By depositing the materials:
- I state that I have the right to deposit these materials because I recorded or otherwise participated in their creation; or because I have been given the right to deposit these materials by their creator; or because I have inherited these materials from the creator.
- I grant AILLA permission to electronically publish these materials, distribute electronic copies, migrate them to future formats and transfer copies to other archives, always respecting my AILLA access conditions.
- I grant AILLA permission to use and to authorize others to use these materials for research, educational, and other reasonable non-commercial purposes, consistent with my AILLA access conditions and with AILLA's Conditions for Use of Archive Resources.
- I grant AILLA permission to publish, distribute copies, transfer to other archives, and use for any non-commercial purpose the metadata that describe these resources.
- I retain all other rights in the materials that I may have by virtue of having made the recording(s), text(s), photograph(s), and/or other item(s) in the deposit, including without limitation, the right to copy, distribute and publish the materials and incorporate them in whole or in part into other works.
- This agreement does not take away any rights from the depositor or any other creator of these materials; all parties to the creation of the materials retain all of their original rights.
- I agree to keep my contact details up to date, and that if I am not contactable (according to AILLA's contact procedure), AILLA will make decisions about management of and access to materials taking into account the nature of the materials, my AILLA access conditions, and the interests of the language community.
- I will not hold AILLA or The University of Texas at Austin responsible for, and hereby indemnify them against, any direct, indirect, or consequential harm or loss caused by damage to, loss, or misuse of the archived materials.