Mayan Languages Collection of Terrence Kaufman

Colección de Idiomas Mayenses de Terrence Kaufman

Object Details

Collection LanguageChorti
Maya, Yucatec
Chontal, Tabasco
Language PIDailla:119501
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleMayan Languages Collection of Terrence Kaufman
Collector(s)Kaufman, Terrence
Depositor(s)Kaufman, Terrence
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis collection contains materials collected by Terrence Kaufman during his research on Mayan languages. These materials were gathered from 1959 to 2004, with most materials dating from 1960 to 1993. These materials include texts and data gathered by Kaufman himself (especially for Huasteco, Tzeltal, Mochó and Tzotzil), secondary works incorporating published and unpublished data gathered by others (e.g. papers working out the classification of the family), and primary data collected by others and given to Kaufman.

Most Mayan languages are represented in this collection, however, many are only represented by a relatively small number of forms (taken from published or unpublished sources) in comparative works, or are materials that were not collected by Kaufman himself, but were found among his papers. Below is a list of the numbers of folders in this collection in or about the named languages. Many folders contain comparative works and are labeled with more than one language, hence the totals here exceed the number of folders in the collection.This collection contains 593 folders of 410 audio recordings and 950 documents
  • Huasteco [hus] 226 folders, 202 audio recordings, 288 documents
  • Tzeltal [tzh] 160 folders, 36 audio recordings, 396 documents
  • Mochó [mhc] 79 folders, 83 audio recordings, 168 documents
  • Mayan (family-wide or comparative topics) 39 folders, 0 audio recordings, 118 documents
  • Tzotzil [tzo] 30 folders, 35 audio recordings, 69 documents
  • Lacandon [lac] 17 folders, 16 audio recordings, 58 documents
  • Kaqchikel [cak] 15 folders, 0 audio recordings, 89 documents
  • K'ichee' [quc] 15 folders, 0 audio recordings, 76 documents
  • Q'eqchi' [kek] 13 folders, 0 audio recordings, 69 documents
  • Tektiteko [ttc] 12 folders, 14 audio recordings, 94 documents
  • Poqomchi' [poh] 11 folders 0 audio recordings, 64 documents
  • Ixil [ixl] 10 folders 17 audio recordings, 60 documents
  • Poqomam [poc] 9 folders 0 audio recordings, 62 documents
  • Mam [mam] 7 folders 3 audio recordings, 74 documents
  • Ch'ol [ctu] 7 folders 0 audio recordings, 60 documents
  • Awakateko [agu] 6 folders 0 audio recordings, 58 documents
  • Tz'utujil [tzj] 6 folders 0 audio recordings, 64 documents
  • Uspanteko [usp] 5 folders 4 audio recordings, 57 documents
  • Chorti [caa] 4 folders 0 audio recordings, 57 documents
  • Yukateko [chf] 4 folders 0 audio recordings, 57 documents
  • Chuj [cac] 4 folders 0 audio recordings, 57 documents
  • Achi [acr] 4 folders 0 audio recordings, 70 documents
  • Tojolab'al [toj] 3 folders 0 audio recordings, 56 documents
  • Mopán [mop] 3 folders 0 audio recordings, 56 documents
  • Popti' [jac] 2 folders 0 audio recordings, 55 documents
  • Q'anjob'al [kjb] 1 folder 0 audio recordings, 54 documents
  • Yokot'an [chf] 1 folder 0 audio recordings, 54 documents
  • Chicomuceltec [cob] 1 folder 0 audio recordings, 55 documents
  • Sakapulteko [quv] 1 folder 0 audio recordings, 1 document
  • Itza' [itz] 1 folder 1 audio recording, 0 documents
  • Ch'olti' 1 folder 0 audio recordings, 1 document
Project history
  • 1960 Fieldwork in Chiapas with Duane Metzger on Tzeltal (Aguacatenango and Tenejapa), Tzotzil (Chamula). Some work on Ch'ol.
  • 1961 Field work in Chiapas. Tzeltal, Tzotzil
  • 1961 Administered Chicago Project's Tzeltal-Tzotzil dialect survey questionnaire in several Tzeltal towns
  • 1962 Field work in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas on Zinancatán Tzotzil syntax
  • 1963 Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley Tzeltal Grammar (based on Aguacatenango Tzeltal)
  • 1962-1968 Kaufman prepares a Mayan Vocabulary Survey and sends copies to various Mayanists asking them to complete and return the surveys
  • 1967 Recorded and transcribed texts in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas with two speakers of Motozintla Mochó.
  • 1965 Excursion to Lacandon jungle with Trudy Blom
  • 1967 Preliminary Mochó Vocabulary. 321 pp. Working Paper No. 5, Language-Behavior Research Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, October.
  • 1967-1968 Fieldwork in Motozintla and Tuzantán on Mochó and Tuzanteco with Ray Freeze.
  • 1967-1968 Fieldwork on Tacaneco Western Mam (Tiló) and the previously unrecognized Tektiteko (Teco) with Ray Freeze.
  • 1968 Fieldwork on Mochó and Tuzanteco.
  • 1969 Teco: A new Mayan language. International Journal of American Linguistics 35(2): 154-174.
  • 1968-1970 Research on Ixil with speaker Xhas Sijom (Jacinto de Paz Pérez) in Irvine, California with hosts Nick and Lore Colby.
  • 1968 Brief work with Northern Mam while hosted by John Robertson in Provo, Utah
  • 1969 Fieldwork in Tamazunchale on two dialects of Huasteco.
  • 1970-1979 Work with Francisco Marroquín Linguistic Project
  • 1980-1990 summer fieldwork on Huasteco based in Tamazunchale
  • 1980 Fieldwork on Huasteco (Potosino, Tantoyuca) with Will Norman. Meets Benigno Robles Reyes
  • 1981 Fieldwork on Tantoyuca Huasteco in Tamazunchale
  • 1982 Fieldwork on Potosino and Tantoyuca Huasteco in Tamazunchale
  • 1983 Wrote and administered Huasteco dialect survey in 16 towns based out of Tamazunchale, accompanied by Kathy Budway
  • 1984 Fieldwork on Tancanhuitz, Tantoyuca and Chinampa Huasteco accompanied by Kathy Budway and Bruce Franklin based in Tamazunchale
  • 1986 Fieldwork in Tamazunchale on Huasteco lexicography accompanied by Kathy Budway
The bulk of the materials were given to AILLA by Terrence Kaufman for digitization and preservation in 2012. Some born-digital materials were given to AILLA beginning at that time. After processing, physical media was returned to Kaufman beginning in May 2018.

Interactive Google maps showing locations of languages present in this and other Terrence Kaufman collections in AILLA are available

Most items in this collection are Public Access, whereas a few are Restricted. Refer to AILLA's Access Levels and Conditions of Use for more information.

Materials related to Kaufman's work on Mayan languages as part of other organized projects can be found in their respective collections
Project for the Documentation of the Languages of MesoAmerica Collection
Francisco Marroquín Linguistic Project
Yokot'an (Tabasco Chontal) Dialect Survey

The digitization and preservation of this collection was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS-1157867. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


50 numeral classifiers in K'ichee7- Brasseur
TKC-PLFM_papers-notes_Brasseur-01.pdf, Based on colonial document., Basado en un documento colonial.
Achí of San Miguel Chicaj, Rabinal and Cubulco - Notes and word lists
ACR003R004I001: A 3-ring binder containing notes and word lists in Kaufman's handwriting, dated 1970. The dialect is Rabinal Achí. ACR003R004I006: These notes are about Cubulco Achí. Most of these notes were handwritten by Kaufman. He uses an Americanist orthography in the first four pages; thereafter he uses an SIL orthography, perhaps because he was working with a consultant who was trained by the SIL. The pages that are written in cursive were not written by Kaufman; these are pages 23-29, 38, 41 and 43 and they were likely written by the consultant. One of the language consultants was Miguel Ángel Gonzales Matías., ACR003R004I001: Una carpeta de 3 anillos que contiene notas y listas de palabras en la escritura de Kaufman, fechada en 1970. El dialecto es Achí de Rabinal. ACR003R004I006: Este documento se trata el Achí de Cubulco. La mayoría de estas notas fueron escritas a mano por Kaufman. Él usa una ortografía americanista en las primeras cuatro páginas; a partir de la página 5, utiliza una ortografía del ILV, tal vez porque estaba trabajando con un consultante lingüístico capacitado por el ILV. Las páginas que están escritas en cursiva no fueron escritas por Kaufman; estas son las páginas 23-29, 38, 41 y 43 y es probable que hayan sido escritas por el consultant. Un de los consultantes lingüísticos fue Miguel Ángel Gonzales Matías., San Miguel Chicaj Rabinal; Cubulco, A00749.tif
Advice and sayings
1. It's not good to eat nixtamal 2. It's not good for a turtle to bite you 3. Various sayings: the turkey, the hen, the dog, birds, the squirrel, 1. No es bueno comer el nixtamal 2. No es bueno que te muerda la tortuga 3. Varios dichos: el guajolote, la gallina, el perro, los pájaros, y la ardilla, Huasteco, CAN Tape 8b
1. Edible tubers 2. T'ayablaab kulaantu 3. Malte7 tx'anakw 4. Spring onion - T'ayablaab xuunakat, 1. Camote 2. T'ayablaab kulaantu 3. Malte7 tx'anakw 4. Cebollín - T'ayablaab xuunakat, Huasteco
Aguacatec and Chalchitec
Matías Rodriguez (37yrs) was the consultant born circa 1934 in Cantón Aguacatán, Huehuetenango., Matía Rodriguez (37 años) consultante nacido circa 1934 en Cantón Aguacatán, Huehuetenango., A01322.tif
Aguacatenango Tseltal file slips
This resource contains file slips about Aguacatenango Tseltal. There are two boxes. Each box contains file slips alphabetically ordered. Every file contains more that one letter. For box 1: I001: 7 and a; I002: b; I003: ch and ch7; I004: d and e; I005: f, g, h and i; I006:k, k7 and l; I007: m, n and o; I008: p, p7, r and rr; I009: s and sh; I010: t, t7, tz, tz7; I011: u, w and y. I012 to I016: lexicon with some idiomatic and linguistic notes. For box 2 it has 11 files: I013-I028: For box 2 we have 11 divisions, and each untitled division has an item number., Esta fuente contiene fichas de vocabulario del tseltal de Aguacatenango. Contiene dos cajas. Cada caja tiene fichas ordenadas alfabéticamente. Cada ítem contiene más de una letra. Para la caja 1 tenemoms: I001: 7 y a; I002: b; I003: ch y ch7; I004: d y e; I005: f, g, h y i; I006:k, k7 y l; I007: m, n y o; I008: p, p7, r y rr; I009: s y sh; I010: t, t7, tz, tz7; I011: u, w y y. I012 a I016: También hay otras fichas sobre el léxico con algunas notas sobre frases idiomáticas o reglas lingüísticas en los ítems I012 a I016. Y para la caja 2 tenemos 11 archivos. I013: comienza la caja dos I017-I028: divisiones con ligas y cada división se le ha asignado número de ítem., Tseltal, Kaufman04_TZE_Aguacatenango bocabulary
The alligator
Huasteco, CAN20
All Saints' Day
1. Nukub soon ok'elabit'ath : narrative that begins with the discussion of a ceremony with a drum 2-4. Music 5. The story of All Saints' in Spanish 6. The story of All Saints' in Huasteco 7. A description, 1. Nukub soon ok'elabit'ath : una narración que empieza con una plática acerca de una ceremonia con un tambor 2-4. Música 5. La historia de Todos Santos en español 6. La historia de Todos Santos en huasteco 7. Una descripción, Huasteco
Huasteco, ANT Tape 1b
And old man's three pieces of advice
An interpretation of a text originally collected by Marcelo J. Alexandre in the 1930's., Una interpretación de un texto recopilado en los años 1930 por Marcelo J. Alexandre., Huasteco
Assorted loose notes on K'ichee7
This is a resource that contains a file with different field notes from K'ichee7. There are some notes of phonology, a small word list, and a small text., Esta fuente contiene un archivo con diferentes notas de trabajo de campo sobre k'ichee7. Contiene algunas notas sobre fonología, una lista pequeña de palabras y un pequeño texto., TKC-PLFM_papers-misc_notes_Kiche
Huasteco, NAR1
Huasteco, CAN39
Chamula Tzotzil, Chamula 4
A boy became ill on the road (# 23)
This resource contains a narrative about A boy became ill on the road (# 23). It has two files: I001: Tseltal transcription of the text 7ay hun kerem tzakot chamel ta 7olil be (#23) I002: Spanish translation of the text A boy became ill on the road (# 23), Esta fuente contiene una narrativa sobre Un muchacho se enfermó en el camino (#23). Contiene dos archivos: I001: Transcripción tseltal del texto 7ay hun kerem tzakot chamel ta 7olil be (#23) I002: Traducción al español del texto anteriorUn muchacho se enfermó en el camino (#23), Tseltal, C01361, C01364
Huasteco, NAR1
The cementary
Huasteco, CAN Tape 8b
Chamulas and squirrels #7
It contains two items: both are transcriptions in Tseltal: I001: The original transcription I002: An enhanced transcription of the I001, but incomplete, Este recurso contiene dos ítems: ambos son transcripciones en tseltal: I001: La transcripción original. I002: La transcripción mejorada de I001, pero incompleta., Tseltal, C01076, C01082
Chol word list in notebook
Hand written word list in Spanish and Chol. Notebook with sewn binding., Lista de palabras en español y chol, escritas a mano. Libreto cosido.
Ch'orti7 Materials
These elicitation notes on Ch'orti7 were collected by Terrence Kaufman in 1970 or 1971 during his independent field work. All of these data later were included into the Ch'orti7 dictionary published by the PLFM., Estas notas de elicitación sobre Ch'orti7 fueron recopiladas por Terrence Kaufman en 1970 o 1971 durante su trabajo de campo independiente. Todos estos datos fueron incluídos luego en el diccionario del Ch'orti7 publicado por el PLFM., A01813.tif
Ch'orti7 phrases and sentences
Kaufman collected this list of phrases and sentences at the Maya Meetings in Austin, Texas on March 17, 1999. Lucas López was the language consultant. The last page of this document (page 6) refers to airplane tricks that Kaufman had planned for a private airplane ride he planned to do later in the week., Kaufman recopiló esta lista de frases y oraciones en el Ch'orti7 durante las Reuniones Mayas en Austin, Texas, el 17 de marzo de 1999. Lucas López fue el hablante-consultante del Ch'oti7. La última página de este documento (página 6) se refiere a trucos de aviones que Kaufman había planeado para un viaje en avión privado que planeaba hacer más adelante en la misma semana.
The church in Tenejapa (Text #22)
This is the transcription in Tseltal. There is no corresponding audio file or translation., Este ítem es la transcripción en tseltal. No hay ningun archivo de audio ni traducción., Tseltal, C00793
The cold
Huasteco, TIM1
Colonial Mam File Cards
Stack of 3x5" index cards, with alphabetical tabs, held together with a rubber band & wrapped with a sheet of paper that says "Colonial Mam"; cards contain handwritten notes. Kaufman says that these predate the PLFM, so they were probably made in the late 1960s or early in 1970., Pila de fichas de 3x5 pulgas; fichas alfabéticas, juntado con una liga y envuelto con una hoja de papel que dice "Colonial Mam; las fichas contienen notas manuscritas. Kaufman dice que estos fueron hechos antes del PLFM, por lo que probablemente se hicieron a fines de la década de 1960 o principios de 1970., B00001.tif
Combined Vocabulary K'ichee7, Achí, Kaqchiquel, Tz'utujiil
MAYA002R004I001 is a scan of a notebook labeled Combined Vocabulary K'ichee7, Achí, kaqchiquel, Tz'utujiil, and containing handwritten notes on lined paper. MAYA002R004I003 is a scan of a handwritten draft of an article, title unknown., MAYA002R004I001 es un escaneo de un cuaderno etiquetado como Vocabulario Combinado de K'ichee7, Achí, Kaqchiquel, Tz'utujiil, y que contiene notas manuscritas en papel rayado. MAYA002R004I003 es un escaneo de un artículo escrito a mano, título desconocido., A00001.tif
Comparative pronouns from Gilyak, Nez Perce and Mayan
This is a resource that contains comparative pronoun systems from three different languages: Gilyak, Nez Perce and Mayan., Este recurso contiene sistemas comparativos de pronombres de tres lenguas diferentes: gilyak, nez perce y mayas., C01556
Comparison of Kaqchikel and Tzeltal
TKC-PLFM_papers-comparison_Kaqchikel_Tzeltal, Research done in the 1960's., Investigación hecha durante los años 60.
Correspondence between Kaufman and SIL members in Guatemala
This resource has a series of letters (6) and telegrams (5) of correspondences regarding the possible language consultants that Kaufman could work with in Guatemala. This correspondence happened prior to the creation of the PLFM project (Nov 1970)., Este fuente contiene una serie de seis cartas y cinco telegramas sobre la consultantes potenciales para trabajar con Kaufman en Guatemala. Estas cartas sucedieron antes de la creación del PLFM (nov. 1970)., TKC-PLFM_correspondence1970-TK
Cuento colorado
Huasteco, TOY19
Cuento colorado
Huasteco, TOY20
The cure for snakebite Text #3
This is a resource that contains texts from Pedro Jiménez Girón from Tenejapa. It has three items: I001: The original transcription of the text Xpoxil te mach'a a ya xti'otik chane Numero 3 (The cure for snakebite) I002: A second version enhanced transcription of the text in I001 I003: A translation into Spanish., Esta es una fuente que contiene textos narrativos de Pedro Jiménez Girón de Tenejapa. Contiene tres archivos: I001: La transcripción original del texto Xpoxil te mach'a a ya xti'otik chane Numero 3 (La cura para una picadura de serpiente) I002: Una segunda versión de la transcripción mejorada del texto en I001 I003: Traducción al español, Tseltal, C00880, C00884, C00887
Diseases we get from the fincas
This resource contains a narrative about Diseases we get from the fincas. It only has the Tseltal transcription., Esta fuente contiene una narrativa sobre Enfermedades que traemos de las fincas. Éste contiene únicamente la transcripción en tseltal., Tseltal, C01680
The donkey and the man
Huasteco, TIM1
The donkey and the tiger
An interpretation of a text collected in the 1930's by Marcelo J. Alexandre, Una interpretación de un texto recopilado por Marcelo J. Alexandre en los años 1930., Huasteco
Huasteco, CAN38
Eastern Q'eqchi7 from Cahabon and Lanquin
For I001 there is a note stating "Black 3-ring binder with notebook paper w/ hand-written notes, first page is not numbered, followed by pp. 1-172." Pages 166-172, Juan Mendoza is the interviewer. He used the grammar section of the Guatemalan Mayan Dialect Survey for the interview. This was done in the Spring of 1971. For I002 there is a note stating "Stack of 4x6" file slips (very thin paper) held together by a rubber band & containing handwritten notes. Top file slip says "Kekchi Mayan. File slips made from a dictionary by William Sedat.", Para el I001 encontramos la nota "Carpeta negra de 3-anillos con hojas de cuaderno con notas a mano, la primera hoja no está enumerada seguida de las páginas 1-172. "Páginas 166-172, Juan Mendoza hace la entrevista. Usó la sección gramatical del Cuestionario Lingüístico de las lenguas mayas de Guatemala. Eso fue hecho en la primavera de 1971. Para el I002 tenemos "Un bonche de 4x6 fichas (papeles muy delgados) estaban amarradas con una liga y éstas contenían notas a mano. Arriba de cada ficha dice Maya Kekchi. Las fichas hechas de un diccionario por William Sedat.", A02037
Edible plants
Huasteco, CAN26
Edible plants and trees
Huasteco, CAN28
Huasteco, CHO1
Ek' xux and och
Lacandon, LAK11
Huasteco, CHO1
Huasteco, WEST1
A farewell
Huasteco, WEST4
Field notes about Mam of San Ildefonso Ixtahuacan
informant was Andrés Maldonado López., El consultante era Andrés Maldonado López., San Ildefonso Ixtahuacan, Guatemala
Field notes about Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán K'ichee7
Kaufman made those notes before the Francisco Marroquín Linguistic Project began., Kaufman hizo estas notas antes del comienzo del Proyecto Lingüístico Francisco Marroquín., Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan
Lacandon, LAK11
The flood
Huasteco, TOY02
The flood
Huasteco, POA1
The flood
Huasteco, CAN17; CAN18
The flood exaggerated in the past (Text #5)
This is the transcription in Tseltal. There is no corresponding audio or translation., Este ítem es la transcripción en tseltal. No hay ningun archivo de audio ni traducción., C00744
Forms checked for length by McQuown
This resource has a list of words from K'ichee7 about vowel length taken from Norman Anthony McQuown. It does not mention from where and when., Esta fuente tiene una lista de palabras del k'ichee7 acerca del alargamiento vocálico tomadas de Norman Anthony McQuown. Esta no menciona de cuándo ni de dónde., TKC-PLFM_papers-forms_length
Forms from modern Kaqchikel
Forms in K'ichee7 of Chiquimula and Reforma
Comparison between forms in K'ichee7 of Chiquimula and Reforma., Comparación de formas en K'ichee7 de Chiquimula y Reforma., TKC-PLFM_papers-comparison_Chiquimula_Reforma
Huasteco, CAN40
