Misantla Totonac Collection of MacKay and Trechsel

Colección Totonaco de Misantla de MacKay y Trechsel

Object Details

Collection LanguageTotonac, Misantla
Language PIDailla:242591
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleMisantla Totonac Collection of MacKay and Trechsel
Collector(s)MacKay, Carolyn J.
Trechsel, Frank R.
Depositor(s)Trechsel, Frank R.
MacKay, Carolyn J.
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis collection is the product of thirty years of documentation on Misantla Totonac, a language that had not been previously described. MacKay and Trechsel have published and produced recordings of tales, conversations, vocabularies, and childrens' books. This collection includes audio recordings with transcriptions and translations in Spanish.

The funders of the project from 1986 to 2014 include Carolyn J. MacKay and Frank R. Trechsel, National Endowment for the Humanities (DEL PD-50016), Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas (INALI), National Science Foundation (Grant No. BCS-0132293), Endangered Language Fund, Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI), Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (Grants No. 4720 and 5498) and Ball State University.
The Ash Seller
A recording of the tale "The ash seller" in Misantla Totonac. The file E3a_Vendedor_de_ceniza-spa-tlc.mp3 contains the original recording where a Spanish version of the story is told before the Totonac version. File E3a_Vendedor_de_ceniza.mp3 contains only the Totonac version of the story with amplified audio. The audio recordings are accompanied by an interlinearization with Spanish glosses and an illustrated document with transcription and translation into Spanish., Una grabación del cuento "El vendedor de cenizas" en el totonaco de Misantla. El fichero E3a_Vendedor_de_ceniza-spa-tlc.mp3 contiene la grabación original en que una versión española del cuento procede la versión totonaca. El fichero E3a_Vendedor_de_ceniza.mp3 contiene sólo la versión totonaca con audio amplificado. Las grabaciones de audio están acompañados por un interlinearización con glosas en español y un documento ilustrado con la transcripción y la traducción al español.
Misantla Totonac Phonology
A chapter describing Misantla Totonac phonology with an audio recording of the examples. The audio recording ends with recordings of farewells and greetings., A chapter describing Misantla Totonac phonology with an audio recording of the examples. The audio recording ends with recordings of farewells and greetings., Carolyn J. MacKay and Frank R. Trechsel. 2005. El Totonaco de Misantla, Veracruz. Archivo de Lenguas Indígenas de México. México D.F.: Colegio de México. pp. 45--59.
Where are you Kitten?
A recording of the story "Where are you Kitten?" as told by Antonio Rosas Torres, Armida Martínez Rosendo, and Doña Petra., Una grabación del cuento "¿Dónde estás Gatito?" contado por Antonio Rosas Torres, Armida Martínez Rosendo y Doña Petra.
The Whip-poor-will and the Peacock
A recording of the tale "The whip-poor-will and the peacock" told in Totonac. Then the two men remember how to sing a Totonac version of "Las mañanitas" a popular birthday song in Mexico. The audio recording is accompanied by an interlinearization with Spanish glosses and an illustrated document with transcription and translation into Spanish., Una grabación del cuento "El tapacamino y el pavo real" contado en totonaco. A continuación, los dos hombres recuerdan cómo cantar una versión totonaca de "Las mañanitas", una canción de cumpleaños popular en México. La grabación de audio se acompaña de un interlinearización con glosas en español y un documento ilustrado con la transcripción y la traducción al español.