The Kunas keep a Woun as a pig and they eat him

Los kunas tienen de puerco a un woun y se lo comen

Object Details

Subject LanguageWounmeu
Language PID(s)ailla:119523
Title [Indigenous]Jurannaanau maach jöoin k’ũsk’a k’ötarr
Language of Indigenous Titlenoa
TitleThe Kunas keep a Woun as a pig and they eat him
Language CommunityDösigpien, Colombia
Place CreatedEl río Sigrisúa, Departamento de Chocó, Colombia
Date Created1964-04-12
Description [Indigenous]Chaain numí marag doon wëtwia, hõor hoowia hamach dʌ̈i hëeurrbaawai ham dʌ̈i wëtwia chi naam k’öpʌ̈ijim haajem. Mak’ʌʌn jurannaan hajim haajem. Magbaawai hʌʌi daupeer chi nagchö jig sĩerrau chi heeum mag chekedeg p’ãarwai narrag nag pöm döpiba jaaujim haajem hichdëu hag dʌ̈i dʌr maju k’ĩirju sĩerr haawai.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionnoa
DescriptionTwo young men went upriver to fish, and there they found other people who invited them to drink. They were Kunas and ate the older brother. So the woman who distributed the liquor warned the young man who was fenced in to not drink so much liquor; because she wanted to run away with him.

Recorded 04/12/-- between 1964 & 1966.
Source NoteT32S2, Cuento 5
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleKennedy, Elizabeth (Researcher)
Chamarra, Luis Ángel (Speaker)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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