Sentence analysis: Let's get together, countrymen
Análisis de frases: Acerquemos, Paisanos
Object Details
Subject Language | Ixil |
Language PID(s) | ailla:119533 |
Title [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Title | |
Title | Sentence analysis: Let's get together, countrymen |
Language Community | |
Country(ies) | Guatemala |
Place Created | Nebaj, El Quiché |
Date Created | 2009-02-13 |
Description [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Description | |
Description | |
Genres | Grammar |
Source Note | CUADERNO COMPU / ANALISIS/abraham_Sentence_Transcript_16_01_09.doc |
References | |
Contributor(s) Individual / Role | Gómez de García, Jule (Researcher) García, María Luz (Researcher) Hughes, Michael (Researcher) de Paz Ramírez, Pablo (Author) de Paz Ramírez, Pablo (Speaker) Raymundo Laínez, Francisco (Author) Raymundo Laínez, Francisco (Speaker) |
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role |
Media Files
There are 1 objects in this resourceObject | File Types | Access Level |
IXL003R114I001.pdf | application/pdf | 4 |