Traditional wedding

Casamiento tradicional

Object Details

Subject LanguageTzeltal
Language PID(s)ailla:119666
Title [Indigenous]Nujbinel
Language of Indigenous Titletzh
TitleTraditional wedding
Language Community
Place CreatedOxchuc, Chiapas
Date Created2009-07-16
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis recording is of a traditional wedding and various interviews around the wedding of Sergio Alberto Ruíz Urbina and Virginia Lowe Gómez, granddaughter of Manuel Gómez K'ulub. At the beginning, we interview don Miguel Chitam and Vicente Morales, elder advisors (in Tseltal, tak'uwanej) of both couples; the presentation of Alejandro Ruíz Guzmán and Consuelo Urbina de la Cruz parents of the groom, originally from San Cristóbal; also the presentation of the parents of the bride, Ronald W. Lowe (of Utah, USA) and María Elena Gómez Sánchez, originally from Nabil town of Oxchuc, by don Manuel K'ulub. After the delivery of the traditional gift (wajmats') that contains plain pozole, pozole with chile, cornmeal with chili, tortillas, eggs, bean tamales, corn gruel and corn liquor. Later the couple goes on to receive advice kneeling in front of their parents and the elder advisors, where they are counseled as to how they should try, the same way the groom's parents go along on their knees also. Later on begins the sharing of the gifts that the groom gives to all the invited guests, and later they eat beef stew; finishing that they begin to dance to traditional music. At the end, are some interviews with the parents of the bride and groom.
Note: Virginia is the little sister of Cristina Lowe Gómez who also had a traditional wedding in 2006, also in the house of don Manuel K'ulub.
Source Note090716_1a_Oxchuc_nujbinel
Contributor(s) Individual / RolePolian, Gilles (Researcher)
Méndez Girón, Juan (Researcher)
Gómez Sánchez, María (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role
