Object Details
Language(s) | Quechua, South Bolivian Spanish |
Language PID(s) | ailla:119707 ailla:119496 |
Content type | primary text |
Date Created | 2018-05-31 |
Date Archived | 2020-09-11T09:24:20-05:00 |
Technical Description | Process of creation: After gaining consent from local community authorities and parents, Susan Kalt, Gaby Vargas and Maria del Carmen Bolivar invited each participant to contribute to a grammar of the local variety of Quechua by viewing and telling stories based on picture sets found in https://ailla.utexas.org/islandora/object/ailla%3A258884. Afterward she asked for personal reflections on the pictures. A team member videorecorded each interview using Zoom Q4 recorder with audio wav format, video sampling rate 44.1 kHz, bit depth 16; secondary audio was recorded on an Olympus digital voice recorder. Gaby and Maria del Carmen transcribed and created a free Spanish translation of each interview. Gaby then checked and corrected each transcript under Susan Kalt's supervision; transcripts were leveled as a corpus again by Susan Kalt, Jonathan Geary, Gaby Vargas and Carlos Flores. Stephanie Antetomaso trimmed media and added the best audio from each interview to each video. An anonymized version of media and transcripts with morphemic glosses and social data is available for researchers in database form created in Toolbox by Jonathan Geary; access may be requested from Susan Kalt at YachaySimi.org or at sue_kalt@yahoo.com. |
Length | 14:49 |
Encoding Specifications | Unknown |
Platform | Olympus mp3 |
Original Medium | unknown |
Quality of Original Medium |