From have to ought Deontic necessity structures with the verb pia 'have' in the Nahuatl of Tepeteno de Iturbide - Vicente

Del tener al deber: Estructuras de necesidad deóntica con el verbo pia 'tener' en el náhuat de Tepeteno de Iturbide - Vicente

Object Details

Subject LanguageNahuatl, Highland Puebla
Language PID(s)ailla:119762
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleFrom have to ought Deontic necessity structures with the verb pia 'have' in the Nahuatl of Tepeteno de Iturbide - Vicente
Language Community
Country(ies)United States
Place CreatedAustin, Texas, United States
Date Created2013-10-24
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
Source NoteVicenteFerrer_CILLA_VI
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleVicente Ferrer, Ángel (Author)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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