Baniwa history: Notes on archival material from 18th - 20th centuries, Upper Rio Negro
Historia Baniwa: material de archivo de los siglos XVIII a XX, Alto Río Negro
Object Details
Subject Language | Portuguese |
Language PID(s) | ailla:119532 |
Title [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Title | |
Title | Baniwa history: Notes on archival material from 18th - 20th centuries, Upper Rio Negro |
Language Community | Portuguese |
Country(ies) | Brazil |
Place Created | Brazil |
Date Created | 1976-77 |
Description [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Description | |
Description | Notes from archives and libraries in Brazil and the US on the Northwest Amazon (Alto Rio Negro) 18th - 20th centuries: Arquivo Historico Nacional, Rio de Jaeiro; IHGB, Rio de Janeiro and Manaus; Arquivo do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus; Biblioteca Nacional (RJ), Biblioteca do Estado de Amazonas; Servico de Protecao aos Indios (RJ); and assorted texts on the Rio Negro. Ethno-historical map. Complete history bibliography |
Genres | Document |
Source Note | |
References | História Indígena e do Indigenismo no Alto Rio Negro. [Indigenous History and the History of Indian Policy on the Upper Rio Negro] Campinas: Mercado de Letras/Instituto Socioambiental, 2005, 300 pp. Cosmos, Self and History in Baniwa Religion. For Those Unborn. Austin, TX.: University of Texas Press, 1998, 314 pp. |
Contributor(s) Individual / Role | Wright, Robin M. (Researcher) |
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role |