Field Notebooks 1999-2001: shamans and cosmology, sicknesses and their cures, the body and its parts, medicinal plants

Cuadernos de Pesquisas de campo 1999-2001: chamanes y cosmología, enfermedades y sus curas, el cuerpo y sus partes, plantas medi

Object Details

Subject LanguagePortuguese
Language PID(s)ailla:119532
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleField Notebooks 1999-2001: shamans and cosmology, sicknesses and their cures, the body and its parts, medicinal plants
Language CommunityRio Aiary
Place CreatedSao Gabriel da Cachoeira, Brazil
Date Created1999-2001
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionField notebooks between 1999 and 2001. Contents:(1) shamans and cosmology; (2) sicknesses and their cures; (3) medicinal plants; (4)mythic narratives and translations (stories of Amaru); (5) sorcery and witchcraft, shamanic vengeance; (6) history of Uapui; (7) survey of Baniwa communities in Sao Gabriel; (8) Yoopinai and other spirits (invisible people); (9) words for plants, insects; (10) words and phrases for body parts, functions and states; (11) political organization; (12) conversations with L. Garnelo;
[interlocutors: Manuel da Silva, Jose Garcia, Mario Silva, Jose Felipe, Isaias Fontes, Afonso Fontes, Luis, Pedro, Marcellino]
GenresField notes
Source Note
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleWright, Robin M. (Researcher)
Pereira, Luiza (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role
