Work Performed by the Indigenous Mayoral Council

Trabajo que Realiza la Alcalde Indígena

Object Details

Subject LanguageIxil
Language PID(s)ailla:119533
Title [Indigenous]Aq'on uva' Nik Tutch tu Alkalte Indigena
Language of Indigenous Titleixl
TitleWork Performed by the Indigenous Mayoral Council
Language CommunityChajul
Place CreatedAcademia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala, Pulay, Quiché, Guatemala
Date Created2016-11-29
Description [Indigenous]U yol nik tal u qitz’in qatzik a’ nik tal inuqul ti’ inq’a aq’on uva' nik ib'an tuulb’al u alkalte indijena atz jab’ilaq aq’on kaj, atz nik iyolon ti’ ijalpeb'al u iya'b' tetz mu's chich ti’ u enero, pet a' qetz uva' nik ib'an tu vinqil febrero qetz o' kumol, iqb'al ya'b' chich e'lij uva' nikuxh ijalpe' tul nik iq'a'v tchan paqte sti' ech nik ib'ane u alkalte nikuxh iq'a'v svatz, tuulba'l uva' kat txajp va'l xaol a’ kat ilix itxumb'al oq jik kuxhtu', a'etz inq'a q'esla tchaq vinaq kat b’anon, atz va’l u nimla aq’on ni b’an ti’ iq’iisaq u tenam, tan b'a’nla txumb'al inq'a nik ib'ane' chich s-eche.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionixl
DescriptionThe words expressed by the participant announce the work done by the indigenous mayoral council, whom they elected. She also talks about the ladino new year, which occurs in January, while that which is ours as indigenous people is on the twentieth of February. They are called year bearers when it is only changed and rotated within the year bearers. That is how they do it in the mayoral council; they only rotate it in each other’s midst. When they are elected, those who elected them are the principal ones of the community. Those who are elected are seen as honored people, and they work for the welfare of the community, because they have good principles, she says.
Source NoteIXIL-CJL-DES-EMC-2016-11-29-0061
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleMendoza Caba, Engracia (Speaker)
Caba Mendoza, Pedro (Creator, Transcriber, Translator)
Mateo Ramírez, Domingo (Creator, Interviewer)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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