Description and History of Nearby Mountains

Descripción e Historia de las Montañas Cercanas

Object Details

Subject LanguageIxil
Language PID(s)ailla:119533
Title [Indigenous]Isuuchil unaq'a vitze' ve najli oktzan.
Language of Indigenous Titleixl
TitleDescription and History of Nearby Mountains
Language CommunityNebaj
Place CreatedALMG, Pulay
Date Created2017-09-12
Description [Indigenous]Isuuchil ni tal ak pap te'ke' uva' kam ni teesan kat ib'ii unq'a vitze', ni tal aak va' eche' u chaxmala'e' pes a'e' ku'eb'al suutz', che'v, as tzitzi' ni tok kat nachb'al, ech chen koj vet u lajame' tan tetz aa ch'o'm, as ech chen koj vet u laavitze' tan a' vitze' ni aq'on saq'i, vitz ni aq'on yol va' la el vet saq'i, as vitz ni alon va' la ok vet jab'al, as eche' u tx'aab'ale' pes a'e' tetz ko'm, tetz sajb'ichil, as tzitzi' ma't  ijaj kat chanaj ti' aval, as a' eyen kat itiixhil u a'e' tzitzi', tul uva' la tal vet unq'a mam kuk'uye' va' la sotz vet o' as a' u vitze' vee la chajpun elch'u'l u a'e' sqi', as eche' u suul aae', as a'e' ni aq'on yol tul uva' la ul vet jab'al, as eche' u chib' a'e' pes a' vitze' u sentinela tetz u tename' a'e' ni majon unq'aj va'lexhe' ni tule', as tzitzi' ma't jajpo kat kuyb'al ti' tiichajil unq'aj xoole', ech chene' u vi' saachome' tan  tzitzi' ni tok kat chaj tu oo q'ii, as eche' u vitze' ve' xe' ju'il, as tzitzi' el kat ch'u'l iyooxhil u jale', as a' unq'a vitze' ni xeeon u tename' asoj jatu la elch'u'l u maare pes a'e' la majon a', as eche' u txotxole' pes eyen unq'a mam k'uye' tzitzi', as junlaval unq'a vitze' ve' ni sukin u tename', as ib'ane' chij na'ytzan ul ma'l u inlges as la te'pu vet naj chij u vitze' ni tale' as tal vet u vi' su'male' te naj asoj la b'ane' as tukuxh uma'l sinko minuto la b'en kusojsa kan vatename' ta' u vitze' chij tal tenaj,  as eche' u xe' su'male' pes a' ni teesan kate va' eyen ku'tzan unq'aj xoole' xe tuul vitz, as eche'  u vi' su'male' pes a' ni tok kate' va' echen je' vi' u vitze' as ye'l xool at tzitzi', as eche u kaan sivane' as tzitzi' mujel kat unq'aj mam k'uye', as eche' u sajsivane' as a' ni tok kat vib'iie' tan at ma'l u saj k'ub' tzitzi', as eche' u santa marta tan a b'en ta'n ila' tan a' ma'l ak nan oon tzitzi' ve taa ib'ii as ech kuxh stie' kaa kat ib'ii ak nane' ti' u vitze'
Language of Indigenous Descriptionixl
DescriptionMr. Diego says that the mountain called Chaxmala’ is the setting of cold weather and clouds. One goes to that mountain to ask for rain and the sun. The mountain Lajam is where one goes to ask on behalf of the sick, and it is that mountain that gives the signal of when it will rain or when summertime arrives. The mountain called Laavitz—the sea passes beneath this mountain. In contrast, the mountain Tx’ab’al is where one goes to ask for the harvest. It is a source of water for the residents; that is where all the springs come from. If our ancestors decide for us to disappear, all the water will come from there to make us disappear. In contrast, the mountain Suul Aa is that which gives the signal when it is going to rain. The mountains serve as protection in the face of natural disasters. The mountain Vi’ Saachom is where they go to do ceremonies on the sacred days that are the Oo Q’ii. The mountain Xe Ju’il is where the maize seed emerged for the first time. If the people arrive before the mountain to ask for protection, then it gives it to them. The mountain is useful for asking on behalf of students. There are eleven mountains that surround the people and they are sentinels because they are the ones who give protection in the face of natural disasters. The mountain Vi’ Su’mal is protection because it was the one that saved many people during the war, and the narrator says that people say that some time ago, a foreigner came to demolish the mountain. Someone said to him, “If you demolish the mountain, we will make your country disappear in five minutes,” and that was the reason the foreigner did not demolish the mountain. Xe Sumal means “beneath the mountains.” In contrast, Vi’ Sumal means “upon the mountain,” but nobody lives there. The mountain Kaan Sivan is where our ancestors our buried. The mountain they call Kaj Sivan was named so because there is a white rock there, and Santa Marta mountain is named so because the first person to arrive there was called Marta, and that is how it got its name. Each mountain’s name depended on its defining event.
Source NoteIXIL-NEB-DES-TE'K-2017-09-12-1078
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