A Description of All Saints' Day

Una Descripción del Día de los Santos

Object Details

Subject LanguageIxil
Language PID(s)ailla:119533
Title [Indigenous]Talax Inuqul u Vi' Kamna'q
Language of Indigenous Titleixl
TitleA Description of All Saints' Day
Language CommunityChajul
Place CreatedCementario de Chajul, Chajul, Quiché, Guatemala
Date Created2016-11-02
Description [Indigenous]U yol nik tal u q’es sqej a’ej ti’ u vi’ muuntej, tan eche inq'a k'uy kuman uva' kamna'q vete’, kat taq’ kaj kamaq qetz, ech nik ul kutz’akajej, ech uva' nik ul quviqtej, atz toq kamoq tchan o' paqtej tul toq uloq tchan o' tzitza, echetz uva' ye'la qukuytej sti', toq motx kamoq o', ech kuxh itxa’kej uva' nik qul tchan tzaj chich u qitz’in qatzik.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionixl
DescriptionThe account that the gentleman gives is in relation to the cemetery: our grandparents who are already dead left us inheritance, that is why we come to paint [the cemetery], to decorate it. We are going to die and they will bury us here, that is why we do not neglect it. It is the reason that we are here, our participant says.
Source NoteIXIL-CJL-HIS-SHH-2016-11-02-0057
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleHú Hernández, Salvador (Speaker)
Caba Mendoza, Pedro (Creator)
Mateo Ramírez, Domingo (Creator, Transcriber, Translator)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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