Narrative - Manioc flour production
Narrativa: Producción de harina de mandioca
Object Details
Subject Language | Nadëb |
Language PID(s) | ailla:257461 |
Title [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Title | |
Title | Narrative - Manioc flour production |
Language Community | Roçado, Rio Uneiuxi |
Country(ies) | Brazil |
Place Created | Roçado, Rio Uneiuxi |
Date Created | 2018-07-19 |
Description [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Description | |
Description | Nelson toasts manioc meal in the griddle and talks about the process of making it. |
Genres | Narrative |
Source Note | |
References | |
Contributor(s) Individual / Role | Obert, Karolin (Researcher) Castelo, Nelson (Speaker) |
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role |
Media Files
There are 2 objects in this resourceObject | File Types | Access Level |
ndb_20180719_fazer-farinha_Nelson.mp4 | application/octet-stream | 1 |
ndb_20180719_fazer-farinha_Nelson.wav | audio/x-wav | 1 |