Tale of the King and His Daughter (Told by Pablo)

Cuento del Rey y Su Hija (Contado por Pablo)

Object Details

Subject LanguageIxil
Language PID(s)ailla:119533
Title [Indigenous]Po'tisa'm yol ti' ma'l u b'ooq'ol tuk' vime'al
Language of Indigenous Titleixl
TitleTale of the King and His Daughter (Told by Pablo)
Language CommunityNebaj
Place CreatedAcademia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala, Pulay, Quiché, Guatemala
Date Created2016-10-06
Description [Indigenous]Ni tal al ak pape' uma'l po'tib'sa'm yol (as ni tal aak va texh unb'iil na'yla yol u vaa' unpajtej) ti' ma'l u pap va maas itxumb'al tuk' ma'l vi mi'al. Ye'lik itzumel vi mi'al aaki atikej, as ye' nik isa' aak va la chee tzumeb' ixoj. Atik' vi'l u txikon vatz ikab'al ixoj as nik tulik ma'l u tal tz'u'n vi' u txikone' (va najike). Yolon vet u ixoje' tuk' u tal tz'ikine', as itxuq'u vet tib' ixoj tuk' u tal txoo. Teq'o vet ok ixoj txoo ti vatb'al. Tab'i ak pape' chij va ni vulvu'lan chalab' tu vi vatb'al ixoje' as tul uva' ta' va ni ye' ni sa' aak ichajput ixoj, as ok aak chij, b'ex til aak ab'il stuk' nik iyolon kat vi mi'al aake'. Oora chit ib'ensa tib' u naje' chij tz'u'nil. As ye' chit ni tel vet chij tu taanxelal ak pepe', as tal vet aak ile' chij: tuk unchaj b'en ka'l tala txooe' vi'la' aq'al la vootzi ab'il stuk' ni yolon kat ixoj ta' aak chij. As y achaj aak chij uma'l u tal k'aj, uma't u tal saj uk' as uma't u tal chiinche, aq'al uva' la b'en itzop txoo u naje' as ye' la itx'ol naj ib'ensat vet tib' tz'u'nil. As tuk' ka'va'l unq'a tala txooe' ve b'axel, as ni nach naj chij va nik ichi'one' ti' naj as iyatz' naj chij talaj txooe'. Echkoj u chiinchee' chij tan ye'l txoo chij va la koj kuxh taq' cha tib'. Itzop kan txoo chij naj as til vet ak pape' chij toon txoo, as nonalik chit vet txooo. As jit itx'ol vet naj chij ib'ensat tib' tz'u'nil. As oon vet vi b'aal u ixoje' chij tu vi vatb'ale' as ich'oti vet aak chij ti ixoj tuk' naj asoj ni sa' chalab' te'ot tib'. As uu ta' chalab' chij ka'b'il, as tal vet u b'aalae' chij ti naj va li josq'i naj u tachinb'al aake'. Asoj la oleb' naj ti' ijosq'il u tachimb'al aake' as la uch teq'ot vet tib' naj tuk' mi mi'al aake'. Ta'ne' tan tu tachinb'al ak pape' chij as mama'la tx'i'la txooe' chij atik tzitzi' ve nim chitu' va ye' ni chajpun ok naj. As ye' tootzalik vet naj chij kam la ib'an naj, as taq' vet ku' u ixoje' chij ta'l itzub' vi' ich'u' as iq'aavisa ok ixoj ti tzi', taq' vet ku' ixoj ti q'ab' naj naje'. Tal vet ixoj chij ti naj va ye' li peq' naj, b'en vet naj as a'e' taq' vet naj ti unq'a tx'i'la txooe'. B'en vet naj tuk' ta'l itzub' ixoje', as tzaa vet unq'a tx'i'la txooe', as ileq'u vet unq'a tx'i'la txooe' u tal tzub'e' as b'enaj vet txoo, nik kuxh uma'toj txoo kaai. As ijosq'i vet naj u tachinb'al ak b'aalae' as b'es ik'uch vet naj ti aak, as ilon ivatz aak chij tan ye' tootza aak kamcha kat tulb'e naj. As taq' cha vet aak ma't aq'on ti naj tan ye' ni sa' aak la tzumeb' vi xuaak aake'. B'an ma'l unchuu ta' chan vet aak ti naj. As tal vet naj ti u ixoje' va la ich'oti ixoj kam tuchin u chuue' ni sa' aak. As tal ak b'aalae' chij va tuk'aj tze' as tuk' txa' b'itz' as li qitz naj tuk' aq'. As ye' tootzal naj ib'ampu eche' vee' tan ye'laj tze' atij. As talcha vet ixoj chij ti naj va la teq'o naj uma'l xi'l ivi' ixoj as la taq' ku' naj tu tx'ava' as o'va't q'ii at vetaj tze' as la uch ib'anat vet naj. Ch'iib' vet unq'a tze'e' as itzok' vet naj as ib'an vet naj u chuue'. Toksa vet naj unq'a tze'e', iq'itz vet naj tuk' aq' as toksa vet naj u txa' b'itze' xo'l. As tzojpu vete'. As talcha vet ak pape' ma't aq'on ti naj. Talcha vet aak ti naj va la toksa naj xamal tu chuue', ta'ne' tan uma'l u mam xamal ni sa' aak aq'al uva' la tz'aab'i. As naj ichajcha vet je' aak b'axaj, tan a' ni tal aak va la kam naj. As ichajcha vet ixoj u naje' tikat u vaa' b'ex kat naj b'axaj, as b'ex te'o vet naj u tz'ini' k'uaache', tan ye'l lab' ni tze'e' pet nukxh ipaq'kab'an lab'. As tal ixoj ti naj va la isuti je' naj lab' pok'o'chb'al u chuue' as la je' vet naj as la kuxh atin naj tzitzi'. As la ichajb'en ixoj u tal b'aye' as la ib'an txoo uma'l u jul jaq' u chuue' as tu jule' la elkat ch'u'l naj. As ib'an naj kam u vee' tal ixoj ti naj, as tul ok u xamale', jupje' ak pape' u chuue' xe' naj. Tul tab'i aak chij ipaq'kab'an lab', as kat kamyu ver ak aake' cheel ta' aak chij. As tul teq'o ku' u b'aye' chij naj jaq' tx'ava'. As nukxh itxakpu vet ivi' ak pape' chij tan ye'l naj kami. As tal cha vet aak chij ti naj unpajtej va la ijosq'i naj tzi' u koob'e'ne' as la ib'an kan naj uma'l tatimb'al pok'o'ch (tan a' ni tal ak pape' chij la tz'e' naj). As talcha vet u ixoje' chij ti naj unpajtej va la teq'o tzan naj u tz'i'ni' k'uuache' as la ib'an naj uma'l jul tzitzi'. La ku' naj tu jule' as la imolje' naj u k'uuache' tiib'a as ye'l naj la na'viti. As b'ex toksa vet ak pape' chij u xamale' ti' u koob'e'ne', mama'la xamal aq'al uva' la kam naj. As kat kamyu vet naje' ta' chan vet ak pape' chij tul uv'a itx'ol naj tiseb'e' tu xamale'. As titz'a cha vet ak pape' chij uma't kam, ta'ne' tan ma'tik ipal vet ik'u'l u naje' chij. As tal vet naj chij ti u ixoje' va la b'en ixoj ti' naj ti kab'al jalit u a'e'. As icheesa u naje' chij ma'l u q'aa' (txakmal ch'e'l) vi' u ae' as pal vet chalab' ka'b'il. As tul til u b'aalae' chij va nik ib'en vet chalab', irumi aak chij ma'l u kayampa'l. Itx'ol u naje' chij tok ti kab'al echkoj vas ixoje' tan taq'kan tib' chij as yak kuxh e'p ixoj. Va'l chit toq'ik vet u naje' chij ti' ixoj, as imol vet naj vi b'ajil ixoje'. Taq' ku' naj tu uma'l u uk'al vi' kab'al. As atik uma'l u nan chij ti kab'al naj. Tal naj chij ti aaki va asoj la tab'i aak itiin lab' vi' kab'al as yexhkam la b'en til aak. As jit inima aak yol b'ex til aaki, ijaj aak itzi' u uk'ale'. As tzitzi' chij el kat vet ch'u'l unq'a txooe' kaayil. As nu kuxh itxumun u naje' chij. El ch'u'l naj chij tu ma'l u q'ii ti' ichukpu u tixqale', as ilej tib' naj chij tuk' uma'l u tal tz'ikin, as ech tal txoo ile' chij ti naj: ¿kame' ta' na chuke', kam nu kuxh atxumune'? Ye'xhkam ta' naj chij. Aa! Votzal vete' ta' txoo chij. ¿kam la aaq' svej asoj la val see at kat veexqale'? Ta' txoo chij. Ye'xhkam, ye'xhkam kuxh at xiinxe' ta' naj chij. As eq'omal ma'l u kaj su't chij ti qul u naje' sta'n, as tal txoo chij ti naj va asoj la taq' naj u su'te ti txoo as la tal txoo ti naj tikat at kat u tixqal naje'. As taq' naj chij u su'te' ti txoo. As tal vet txoo chij, ixoje' vi'le', ixoje' vi'le', ixoje' vi'le', k'uch txoo chij unq'a txooe' ti naj. As teq'o vet txoo chij u su'te'. As a' txooe' ta' cheel u tal txooe' ve ni t'ob'on vatz toj tze', tal kaj qul. B'ex vet u naje' tu ma'l u atimb'al, as imolo vet naj u tixqale'. Atik ma'l uk kab' tzitzi', as ipoq' naj lab', teq'o eltzan naj vi seera lab'e' as ib'an naj tuch lab'. Toksa vet naj lab' tu toj tal chee', vaatzil ixa'p txoo. As tal vet naj: aq'al uva' ye'xhib'il kuxh la txeyon axh. Unq'a txooe' ve jit isa' tok ixa'p, oora ooja txoo. As tal vet naj ti tal umule' va ab'il kuxh txoo la txeyon txoo, tan jank'al unq'a txooe' ve ni sa' tok ixa'p as ye'l txoo ni taq' tib' txeypo. Tzitzi' kuxh ni tzojpu kat u tal po'tisa'm yole'. As ni tal cha vet kan ak pape' va kamal ech ichee u vatz tx'ava'e' vee'. As ni tal aak va yuel kuxh tib', at po'tisa'm yol tuk' b'iitoj na'yla yol.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionixl
DescriptionThe participant narrates a story (he also believes it could be a real event) of an intelligent man and his daughter. His daughter did not have a husband, and the man did not want her to get married. In front of their house, there was a bush of beans and corn, and a hummingbird would come to it (the hummingbird was a man who could transform into hummingbird). The little bird and the daughter began to talk and they fell in love. The woman took him to her room. The father felt jealous because he heard them talking. He entered her room to see who was talking with his daughter, and the man quickly transformed into a hummingbird. The father was not convinced and said, “I am going to send some animals to discover who talks with my daughter.” So he sent a flea, a white louse, and a bedbug to bite him so he could not transform into a hummingbird. the first two insects, the man felt that something was biting him and he killed those insects. But the bedbug was difficult to find. It bit him, and the king saw it come back very full. The man could no longer transform back into a hummingbird. The father went to his daughter’s room and asked him and his daughter if they wanted to be together. The two said yes. The father demanded that the man cleans his bathtub. If he was able to clean it, then he was allowed to be with his daughter. But in the king’s bathtub, there were large serpents that would not let him enter. The man felt desperate, he didn’t know what to do. The daughter put a little of her saliva on the tip of her nipples. She put it back in her mouth, and she spit it out in the hands of the man. She demanded that he prevent it from spilling out and to give it to the serpents. The man went with the woman’s saliva and all the serpents slithered up to him. They pecked at the saliva and left until not one serpent was left. The man cleaned the father’s bathtub and went to show him when he was done. The king was impressed, unable to understand how the man did it. The father found another challenge for the man, because he didn’t want him to marry his daughter. He challenged the man to construct a steam room. The man asked the woman to ask her father how he wanted his steam room. The father said that he wanted it with sticks, green pine leaves and mud, and bound with liana. But the man didn’t know how to do it, because there were no sticks. The woman told him to take her hair and plant it in the earth. In five days, trees will grow from which he can cut off sticks. The trees grew, and the man cut them. He constructed the steam room by placing the sticks, binding them with lianas, and sticking mud onto the sticks. With that, he finished. The father began to think about a new challenge for the man. He told the man to build a fire in the steam room, but to make sure it burned very hot. The father made sure to leave first. The father actually wanted him to burn to death in the steam room. The woman and the man found another solution against her father. She demanded the man to go to where he went the other time and bring back knotted weeds. It did not burn, but instead exploded. She told him to throw it into the center of the steam room, then to climb out and stay there. Meanwhile, she would send for an animal (a gopher), who would make a hole. The man was to get into this hole. He did what she demanded, and when he lit the fire, the father locked him in the steam room and heard the explosions inside. He said to himself, “He will die today for certain.” The animal came to bring the man beneath the earth. The father was angry, because the man did not die. The father said to the man to gather together dead undergrowth and to leave a little room in the center for him (because he still wanted the man to die). The woman asked the man to bring the weeds and to make a hole there. He would get inside this hole, then throw the big pile of weeds over him until he could no longer be seen under it. The father went to light the fire to a heat so terrible it would kill the man. The father was sure that the man had died, but the man escaped from the fire alive. The father looked for another way, but the man’s patience had ended. He asked the woman to leave with him to his village, which was on the other side of the water. He threw a rainbow over the water, and they passed over. The father saw that they were leaving, so he threw a lightning bolt. The man was able to enter his house and the woman tried, but the lightning bolt hit her. She exploded. The man cried for her and gathered together her bones. He threw them in a pot on the side of his house. A woman, who took care of his house, lived there. He asked her to refrain from looking if she heard noise coming from his things. But, she disobeyed him. She went to look and opened up the pot. All the animals came out of there and the face of the earth opened up. The man in his sadness, one day left to find his beloved. In his search, he found a little bird who asked him, “What are you looking for? Why are you sad?” “Nothing,” he replied. “I know why,” the little bird said, “What will you give me if I tell you where your beloved is?” “Nothing, I have nothing,” responded the man, but he had a red handkerchief around his neck. The little bird told the man that if he gave him his red handkerchief, he would tell him where his wife was. The man gave him his handkerchief, and the little bird said, “She is your wife,” various times, pointing to different animals. The little bird took the handkerchief. We know him today as the woodpecker, who has a red neck. The man went to a place and called for his wife. He extracted honeycomb and wax, and his wife appeared as a deer. The man arranged the wax around the legs of the deer and told her, “So that nobody catches you.” The wax was used as shoes for the deer, but the animals who did not want to put their shoes on went running. He warned the rabbit that all the animals were going to catch him, because the animals who put on their shoes, do not let themselves get caught. That’s where the story ends. The participant does an analysis of the story - and yes, it is possible that it is the history of the face of the earth. The participant decides that this is a combination of story and history.
Source NoteIXIL-NEB-MIT-PAZ-2016-10-06-1021
Contributor(s) Individual / Rolede Paz de Paz, Pablo (Speaker)
Pérez de Paz, Ana (Creator, Translator)
Cedillo de Paz, Domingo Abraham (Interviewer, Transcriber)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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