Positional verbs as auxiliaries and the genesis of the progressive in Chichicapan Zapotec

Los verbos posicionales como auxiliares y la génesis del progresivo en el zapoteco de Chichicapan

Object Details

Subject LanguageZapotec, Chichicapan
Language PID(s)ailla:119721
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitlePositional verbs as auxiliaries and the genesis of the progressive in Chichicapan Zapotec
Language CommunitySan Baltasar Chichicapan, Oaxaca
Place CreatedMéxico
Date Created2003-07-25
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
Source Note
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleSmith-Stark, Thomas C. (Author)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

Media Files

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Los verbos posicionales como auxiliares y la génesis del progresivo en el zapoteco de Chichicapan.pdfapplication/pdf1
