A hunter upriver was captured by hök’äk’ärmie

Un cazador fue capturado por hök’äk’ärmie

Object Details

Subject LanguageWounmeu
Language PID(s)ailla:119523
Title [Indigenous]Woun dök’ẽu marag nemk’oonha mawia, hök’äk’ärmieu k’öpʌ̈itarr
Language of Indigenous Titlenoa
TitleA hunter upriver was captured by hök’äk’ärmie
Language CommunityDösigpien, Colombia
Place CreatedEl río Sigrisúa, Departamento de Chocó, Colombia
Date Created1964
Description [Indigenous]Woun hãb hich hʌ̈ʌi dʌi, hich heeumpa dök’êu hee mawia chi naam hök’äk’ärmieu k’öpʌiwia, hagk’ur maach jöoin bëewia t’um k’ëch pʌijierram haajem.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionnoa
DescriptionA man and his wife and brother go hunting upriver, but the older brother is prey of "hök’äk’ärmien". The younger brother and his sister-in-law return home with the news. The older relatives go to terminate the beasts.

Recorded between 1964 & 1966.

Narrated by Narrator #2.
Source NoteT2S2, Cuento 10
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleKennedy, Elizabeth (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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