Subject Language | Multiple
Language PID(s) | ailla:119562
Title [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Title | |
Title | Journal, Sept-Oct 1973 and Bogotá June 2-8, 1974 |
Language Community | |
Country(ies) | Colombia
Place Created | Mitú, Villavicencio, Bogotá |
Date Created | 1973 |
Description [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Description | |
Description | Typed transcripts of tape recorded journals. Impressions of Mitú-Villavicencio, Sept-Oct 1973 and Bogotá June 2-8 1974. |
Genres | Field notes
Source Note | 7.1 |
References | |
Contributor(s) Individual / Role | Sorensen, Jr., Arthur P. (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role | |