Frog story

Cuento del sapo

Object Details

Subject LanguageIquito
Language PID(s)ailla:119522
Title [Indigenous]Macuaati saquɨɨni
Language of Indigenous Titleiqu
TitleFrog story
Language Community
Place CreatedSan Antonio de Pintuyacu, Loreto
Date Created2005-06
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionMacuaati Saqu++ni is the story of a man who imitates the call of a frog. The frog is an evil spirit, and, being angered by the man's imitation of his call, visits the man's bedside with the intention of killing him. The man feels something pulling at his mosquito net and wakes up before the malevolent spirit has the chance to fulfill the purpose of his visit.
Source Note
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleGrohman, Brianna (Researcher)
Pacaya Inuma, Jaime (Author)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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