Object Details
Language(s) | Spanish Kichwa, Cañar Highland |
Language PID(s) | ailla:119496 ailla:119726 |
Content type | primary text |
Date Created | 2006-05-01 |
Date Archived | 2021-04-02T04:55:03-05:00 |
Technical Description | Juanito Tenesaca Aguaza tells tales about he and others finding and selling ceramic pieces and relics from archaeological sites in Cañar, within a context of the hacienda, museums and local traders creating fakes. Interviewers: Judy Blankenship and Alexandra Kennedy. La Capilla, Chorocopte. |
Length | 00:33:47 |
Encoding Specifications | 16/44.1 stereo |
Platform | Sony mini-disc |
Original Medium | audio:minidisc |
Quality of Original Medium | 5 |