
Object Details

Language PID(s)ailla:119495
Content typeprimary text
Date Created1975-09-06
Date Archived2020-05-06T04:03:31-05:00
Technical DescriptionBlack file-o-fax; first 6 written pages are unlined and not numbered (pp.3-6 of the PDF). Thereafter pages are lined and numbered 443-774 (pp. 6-89 of the PDF); Reid's page 519 comes after 521 and before 522; some pages are folded and expand out to allow more writing space. Two unnumbered pages follow. Reid's page numbering begins again with pages 1-8 on pages 91-95 of the PDF; two unnumbered pages follow. Reid's numbering begins again with Medical Notes, pages 1-3 (pages 98-100 of PDF). PDF pages 101-103 were not numbered by Reid, but PDF pages 104-105 are again numbered 1-2 by Reid. Hereafter, Reid did not numbered the pages. Ends on 1976-09-27
Platformi2S CopiBook Scanning Station; Adobe Acrobat
Original Mediumtext:manuscript
Quality of Original Medium3