Object Details
Language(s) | Tz'utujil K'ichee' Kaqchikel Spanish Achi |
Language PID(s) | ailla:119691 ailla:119620 ailla:119517 ailla:119496 ailla:119670 |
Content type | primary text |
Date Created | 0000-00-00 |
Date Archived | 2014-12-12 |
Technical Description | Combined Vocabulary K'ichee7, Achí, kaqchiquel, Tz'utujiil. Brown 3-ring binder with 7 labeled tabs, notebook paper with hand-written notes, pages numbered sequentially, but some pages are missing numbers, others have a number and a letter. |
Length | 159 |
Platform | adobe acrobat |
Original Medium | text:manuscript |
Quality of Original Medium | 3 |