Object Details
Language(s) | Kichwa, Cañar Highland Spanish |
Language PID(s) | ailla:119726 ailla:119496 |
Content type | primary text |
Date Created | 2000-xx-xx |
Date Archived | 2021-04-21T08:33:18-05:00 |
Technical Description | Mercedes Guamán Mayancela works in her patio to wash newly woven wool while Juliana Mayancela Pichisaca sews a special boiled wool cape for Carnival, called a wallacarina. Antonio Guamán Mayancela shows his weavings and demonstrates weaving on his large back-strap loom, while other family members participate in preparing clothing for Carnival. Quilloac, Cañar. |
Length | 0:13:29 |
Platform | Ffmpeg |
Original Medium | video:digital |
Quality of Original Medium | 5 |