The Jaqaru Collection of Luis Miguel Rojas-Berscia

Colección de la lengua jacaru de Luis Miguel Rojas Berscia

Object Details

Collection LanguageJaqaru
Language PIDailla:284029
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleThe Jaqaru Collection of Luis Miguel Rojas-Berscia
Collector(s)Rojas Berscia, Luis Miguel
Payano Iturrizaga, Yolanada Nieves
Depositor(s)Rojas Berscia, Luis Miguel
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis collection consists of audio and video files of the Jaqaru language, an Aymaran language spoken in the highlands of Lima. The data has been collected by Luis Miguel Rojas-Berscia (external linguist) and Yolanda Payano Iturrizaga (internal linguist). The data has been recorded with several Jaqaru elders in the town of Aiza, Yauyos, Lima. The main goal of the project was to produce a brief encyclopaedic thesaurus of the Jaqaru language. The data collection was sponsored by the University of Tübingen. Research was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG – Project Number 310/1-1, PI: Matthias Urban).
ReferencesPayano Iturrizaga, Yolanda & Luis Miguel Rojas-Berscia (in prep.) Breve léxico enciclopédico jaqaru. Lengua de los Andes de Lima. Lima: Academia Peruana de la Lengua.
AILLA Administrative Documents - Rojas-Berscia Jaqaru
Administrative documents included signed agreements and metadata documents, Documentos administrativos incluyen acuerdos firmados y documentos de metadatos