Object Details
Language(s) | Kichwa, Cañar Highland Spanish |
Language PID(s) | ailla:119726 ailla:119496 |
Content type | primary text |
Date Created | 2000-xx-xx |
Date Archived | 2021-04-21T12:26:18-05:00 |
Technical Description | Mama Michi (Mercedes Chuma Quishpilema) sorts the dried medicinal plants she has bought in Cuenca in the yard at her house, while Judy Blankenship interviews. She is joined by her mother, Vicenta Quishpilema Pichisaca, her grandchildren Pacari and Rantin, and her nephew Ranti Chuma. With the plants Mama Michi will prepare medicinal teas for her jambi wasi - healing center in Cañar.. Filmed by Judy Blankenship. Correucu, Cañar, Cañar. |
Length | 0:19:46 |
Platform | Ffmpeg |
Original Medium | video:digital |
Quality of Original Medium | 5 |