Object Details
Language(s) | Kichwa, Cañar Highland Spanish |
Language PID(s) | ailla:119726 ailla:119496 |
Content type | primary text |
Date Created | 2000-xx-xx |
Date Archived | 2021-04-21T10:11:45-05:00 |
Technical Description | Mariana Chuma Quishpilema, midwife and nurse, tends to a new mother on day five after birth, known as El Cinco, during which the baby is unswaddled and bathed for the first time, and the mother is wrapped tightly in a shawl to protect her uterus. Filmed by Judy Blankenship. Correoucu, Cañar. |
Length | 1:01:48 |
Platform | Ffmpeg |
Original Medium | video:digital |
Quality of Original Medium | 5 |