Translations and commentary of Cristina Rodríguez's stories

Traducciones y comentarios en las historias de Cristina Rodríguez

Object Details

Subject LanguageTatuyo
Language PID(s)ailla:119770
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleTranslations and commentary of Cristina Rodríguez's stories
Language CommunityTatuyo
Place Created
Date Created1976
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionEGI-041-a.wav -- 1976, Translation of ~Kíi~puu juhéro ‘the clumsy one’. (Cristina Rodríguez).
EGI-041-b.wav -- 1976, Translation of: ~Kíi~puu juhéro ‘the clumsy one’ end; Translation of Káríáríkɨ ~watí ‘moribund spirit}’. (Cristina Rodríguez).
EGI-042-a.wav -- 1976-12-16, Continuation of v2_17; Buu-o ‘Guara’; Ramón: Birth of people; bɨpɨ-pókó ‘A man went to hunt 'milk ants', there was an owl’. (Cristina Rodríguez, Ramón Barreto).
EGI-042-b.wav -- 1976-12-16, (Cristina Rodríguez, Ramón Barreto).
EGI-120-a.wav -- 1976, Ramón's commentaries on the myth of ~Ubáti. Jebá: commentaries and translation of Cristina's narration. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-120-b.wav -- 1976, Continuation of: Jebá commentaries and translation of Cristina's narrative. Translation of the story Júká ‘Hawk’ (beginning). (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-121-a.wav -- 1976, Translation of the story Júká ‘Hawk’ (continuation from 1B); Translation of the story ~Béde-rijo (beginning). (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-121-b.wav -- 1976, Translation of the story ~Béde-rijo (continuation and end). (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-122-a.wav -- 1976, Continuation of the translation from 2b : ~Béde-rijo (K7 J1); Translation of ~Róbí-~kubu ‘Woman shaman’ (K7 J1). (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-122-b.wav -- 1976, Translation of wekíá étiríka-raa The tapirs' watering hole (K7 J2); Translation of the story of güio/anaconda that ate the person who had the quartz jáía. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-123-a.wav -- 1976, Translation of K7 J2: ~Hoóko kí’ká~íríkee ‘The call of the brown heron’; Kotó kí’ká~íríkee ‘The call of the (black) korokoro’; Translation of K7 K1: Wekí úki ~dá’ká~íríkee ‘kí’ká~íríkee ‘Tapir and howler monkey, their calls’; ~Buípi káríái ‘Moribund moon (=lunar eclipse)’. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-123-b.wav -- 1976, Translation of K7 K1 : ~Kíi ká~bahá ~kájúpée ‘They say that the yuca used to be people’; The Ajáwaroa; Translation of: ~Ibi.rekóo ~díjáa : Ajáwaroa (K7 K1) Continuation on 5a. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-124-a.wav -- 1976, Translation continues of Ibi~.rekóo ~díjáa: Ajáwaroa. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-124-b.wav -- 1976, Continuation and end of Ajáwaroa; ~Aja ~dá’ká-~dúú-rí-ki i (K7 L1): ‘domestic snake’; ~Dá’-ká-~hía-jú-pá-~ra (K7 L1): ‘They say they killed them’ (Continuation on 6a). (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-125-a.wav -- 1976, Translation by Ramón of K7 L1 ~dá’-ká-~hía-jú-pá-~ra (Continuation); -Ká-~badapi.bóo-~ké-ko-re kí-ká-~hía-~já-rí-kee : ‘The murder of that person who didn't love their husband’. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-125-b.wav -- 1976, Ká-~badapi-bóo-~ké-ko-re kí-ká-~hía-~já-rí-kee : ‘The murder of that woman who didn't love her husband’; Animals; Translation by Ramón of K7 M1: Wéé-rí-kee: ‘Rowing’; Ripoa-~bá-ko : ‘The headless one’; Poa-~japó-paí-ó : ‘The woman who had a lot of hair’ the hairy woman; Kó-ape igá-rí-kee ~baká: ‘Her sex looked for food’; ~Watíá : ‘Spirits’. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-126-a.wav -- 1976, Continuation of ~Watíá : ‘Spirits’; Translation of K7 M1; Pee-pata ~báa ‘There is no firebox’; Translation of M2 Ria-~aja, pee-kée ‘four-nose snakes (Bothrops atrox) and chile-tail’; Translation of M2 Ká-ɨtape-~bá-kɨ hotɨ́ wééríkee ‘The one without anus and ceramics’; Translation of K7 N1 Complement to the story of Jebá and Jawíra. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-126-b.wav -- 1976, Continuation of Complement to the story of Jebá and Jawíra; Translation of K7 B2 ~Baka-róka jai and wekɨ́ ‘Mountain dog and tapir’. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-127-a.wav -- 1976, Translation Continuation of 7b: ~Wɨdɨ́ ‘The lazy one’; Wai-bɨkɨ́-~ra ká-~bahá-re ~dá-ká-~hía-ree-rí-kee ‘The animals that would kill people’. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-127-b.wav -- 1976, Continuation of Wai-bɨkɨ́-~ra ká-~bahá-re ~dá-ká-~hía-ree-rí-kee ‘The animals that used to kill people’; ~Ubáti ~dɨbo ká-épéríkɨɨ-kɨ́-ko ‘U.'s wife who had a lover’. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-128-a.wav -- 1976, Translation of wekɨ́a ~kubu Shaman-tapir; Ramón talks about his dreams during his illness (tuberculosis); Translation dof K7 E2 Continuation of the story of uu ‘Turtle’. (Ramón Barreto).
EGI-128-b.wav -- 1976, Continuation of Uu; Translation of the story of júká (continues on 2A). (Ramón Barreto).
Source NoteTAT_v2_1, TAT_v2_2, TAT_v2_3, TAT_v2_4, TAT_v2_5, TAT_v2_6, TAT_v2_7, TAT_v2_8, TAT_v2_9,TAT_v2_17, TAT_v2_18
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleGomez-Imbert, Elsa (Researcher)
Barreto, Ramón (Speaker)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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