Chol Collection of Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez and Jessica Coon
Colección del Chol de Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez y Jessica Coon
Object Details
Collection Language | Ch'ol |
Language PID | ailla:119634 |
Title [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Title | |
Title | Chol Collection of Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez and Jessica Coon |
Country(ies) | Mexico |
Collector(s) | Vázquez Álvarez, Juan Jesús Coon, Jessica |
Depositor(s) | Vázquez Álvarez, Juan Jesús Coon, Jessica |
Project/Collector Website | |
Description [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Description | |
Description | The collection consists of audio and video recordings in Ch’ol, a Mayan language spoken in Mexico known to its speakers as Lakty’añ and sometimes written as Chol. Many of these audio and video recordings have been transcribed and/or translated into Spanish. Most recordings were made in 2018, though some materials in the collection were recorded in two earlier periods: the 2002 recordings of Carmelino Jiménez by Elmar Martínez and Pedro Gutiérrez and recordings made by Juan Jesús Vázquez in 2007 and 2008. The collection as of May 2019 has
The material recorded in 2018 was created as part of a National Geographic-funded documentation project led by Jessica Coon and Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez, in collaboration with Nicolás Arcos López at the Universidad Intercultural de Tabasco and Bernabé Vázquez Sánchez at the Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas. Through a series of hands-on workshops at these two universities and at CIESAS-Sureste, Chol-speaking undergraduate students were trained in all aspects of the recording and transcription process. The students traveled to their home communities and recorded their family members and friends. These stories were curated, transcribed, and translated. The resulting material presents the work they have done to document their language according to their interests and the interests of their communities. The corpus contains a variety of genres and represents a number of different Chol-speaking communities from the major dialect regions. More information about the project and documentation project can be found on the website. See the Chol Collection of Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez and Jessica Coon Finding Aid for more detailed information about the collection's contents as of September 2019. |
References |
- This is a myth about our origin and relationship to the difference between Indigenous people and mestizos., Se trata de un mito sobre nuestro origen y con relación a la diferencia entre indígenas y mestizos., Bajche' tyi tyäliyoñla tyi oño' k'iñ yik'oty bajche' tyi ty'oxleyoñla tyi lakpi'älob tyäle xkaxlañob., ctu_20020729.cjg-laknaal
- Sowing and cleaning the cornfield and all the knowledge needed to do this., El tema hace referencia al proceso que se lleva a cabo para sembrar y limpiar la milpa, así como todo el conocimiento asociado a esta práctica., Mi yäjlel bajche' mi ichojloñtyel, mi ipäjk'el cholel, yik'oty bajche' mi lajkäñ lajk'ele'., ctu_20180528_jlm_melcholel
- School stories, some trips and how a small plane crashed in the region., Historias sobre la escuela, algunos viajes y cómo se desplomó una avioneta en la región., Bajche' tyi mejli escuela, bajche' tyi icha'a xämbal yik'oty bajche' tyi yajli avioñ ila., ctu_080703 Vicente Jolpo viajes-aviones-escuela
- The origin of the rivers in the region is that water spirits used to be like people and lived together. After an argument they split up, creating other rivers., La distribución de los ríos en la región se debe a que los espíritus del agua se separaron después de una discusión., Tyi p'ojli ja' tyi laklumal cha'añ tyi ikäyäyob ibäj ich'ujlel che' tyi icha'leyob keraj., ctu-20020729-cjg-chujlelja
- One family had three children, the mother liked two of her children and did not like the other, always mistreating him and making him care for sheep every day., La mujer que tenía preferencia por dos hijos, mientras que al tercero lo maltrataba dándole a cuidar borregos todos los días., Añ abi xchumtyäl cha’tyikiljachbä yalo’bil weñ k’ux mi yu’biñ, ixku yambä juñtyikil muk’ abi iweñ yä’k’eñ ikäñtyañ tyi pejtyelel k’iñ me’tyak., ctu_20180331_fam_x ixik anba uxtyikil iyalobil.WAV
- A widower spent several days at home, until one day he saw that someone came to help him., Un señor quedó viudo y después de varios días vio que llegaba alguien a ayudarlo., Juñtyikil wiñik tsa’ bajñe kale, kome tsa’ chämi yijñam, che’ tsa’ ñumi majlel k’iñ, añ abi majki tsa’ k’otyi ikoltyañ., ctu_20180525_ead_meba winik
- The two participants in the dialogue mention the types of work they do in their community and school., Las dos participantes en el diálogo mencionan los diversos tipos de trabajos que realizan en su comunidad y en la escuela., Mi ityajob tyi ty'añ chu troñel mi imelob tyi escuela yik'oty ba' chumulob., ctu_20180421_mcrl_ejtyel