The Livingston Garifuna Collection

La Colección Livingsteña del Idioma Garífuna

Object Details

Collection LanguageGarifuna
Language PIDailla:257372
Title [Indigenous]Budawaguaü Garifuna La Bugagien
Language of Indigenous Titlecab
TitleThe Livingston Garifuna Collection
Collector(s)Broach, Alison
Depositor(s)Broach, Alison
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThe materials from this collection capture natural Garifuna speech and accounts that contain information that members of the Garifuna community of Livingston, Guatemala deemed important to preserve. The primary texts entitled "Damaris Interview" and "Catatu Interview" center on midwifery and how the trade is being passed down. "US Voyages" offers two descriptions of the experience of migrating to the US. "Our Grandmother" is primarily an informal conversation among women seventy and older about motherhood and the past. Recordings from this collection were made in 2015.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Documenting Endangered Languages Grant under award number BCS-1500811. Materials were created to support the anthropological doctoral dissertation research of Alison Broach. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Collection published in 2018, updated in 2019.
ReferencesBroach, Alison. (In progress). Of Elders and Ancestors: Language Loss as a Cultural Phenomenon in a Garifuna Town. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia.
AILLA Administrative Documents - Broach
AILLA Administrative documents including AILLA Deposit License Agreement and metadata spreadsheets., Documentos administrativos de AILLA que incluyen el Acuerdo y Licencia de AILLA y hojas de cálculo de metadatos.
Garifuna Day
Adult and elder Garinagu prepare children and youth for performances of Garifuna culture that will be part of the annual Garifuna Day celebration. This includes music, song, and dance. Instruction includes prayer, practice, and history lessons., Los adultos Garinagu preparan los niños y jóvenes para actuar la cultura Garífuna en una presentación que será parte de la celebración anual del Día del Garífuna. Incluye música, canciónes y danzas. Las grabaciones incluyen un oración, la práctica y cuentas históricas., Garifuna, Broach, Alison. (In progress). Voices of Spirit and Blood: Garifuna Language Endangerment as Experienced by Ancestors and Descendants in Livingston, Guatemala.
Grandmothers and Granddaughters
This was a meeting between young girls and elderly women in the community with the aim putting youth and elders in conversation with one another. A major goal is getting girls to learn from their elders, especially history and tradition, and motivating them to take interest in their heritage and culture—to become the culture bearers themselves. This is a good example of interactional style between generations in Livingston., Este fue un encuentro entre las niñas y las mujeres de edad avanzada en la comunidad. El objetivo fue motivar la conversación entre generaciones. Un objetivo fundamental fue conseguir que las niñas iban a aprender de sus ancianos, especialmente la historia y las tradiciónes Garifuna. Esperaban inspirar interés en su herencia y cultura, para prepararlas para ser las portadoras de la cultura. Esta grabación contiene un buen ejemplo del interacción intergeneracional en Livingston., Garifuna, Broach, Alison. (In progress). Voices of Spirit and Blood: Garifuna Language Endangerment as Experienced by Ancestors and Descendants in Livingston, Guatemala.
Interview: US Voyages
Chloe and Digna give personal accounts of their difficult experiences arriving in the United States., Chloe y Digna dan cuentas personales de sus experiencias difíciles llegando a los Estados Unidos., Garifuna, Broach, Alison. (In progress). Of Elders and Ancestors: Language Loss as a Cultural Phenomenon in a Garifuna Town. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia.
Making Hüdütü
Claudia teaches Alison how to make hudutu. Four children are present and assisting with the preparation. Claudia can be heard switching between languages as the food is prepared. One child is Claudia's daughter. The other three are her grandchildren who are visiting from the United States. They have a Spanish mother and a Garifuna father, and their first language is Spanish. Claudia's daughter speaks Garifuna and Spanish as first languages., Claudia le enseña a Alison cómo hacer hudutu. Cuatro niños están presentes y ayudando con la preparación. Claudia cambia entre los idiomas mientras prepara la comida. Una niña es la hija de Claudia. Los otros son sus nietos que están visitando desde los Estados Unidos. La madre de ellos es Española y su padre es Garifuna. Su primer idioma es el Español. La hija de Claudia habla Garifuna y Español como lenguas maternas., Garifuna, Broach, Alison. (In progress). Voices of Spirit and Blood: Garifuna Language Endangerment as Experienced by Ancestors and Descendants in Livingston, Guatemala.
Midwifery Interviews
Tomás questions the eighty nine year old Doña Catatu about her decades of experience as a Garifuna midwife., Tomás pregunta a Doña Catatu, de ochenta y nueve años, sobre sus décadas de experiencia como partera Garífuna., Garifuna, Broach, Alison. (In progress). Of Elders and Ancestors: Language Loss as a Cultural Phenomenon in a Garifuna Town. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia.
Our Grandmothers: Casual Talk among Older Women about the Past
Elderly women talk about motherhood and how life was when they grew up. Lots of casual speech and code switching captured., Señoras mayores platican de la maternidad y de como fue la vida cuando crecieron. La grabación consiste en discursos informales y muchos cambios de idioma entre garífuna y español., Garifuna, Broach, Alison. (In progress). Of Elders and Ancestors: Language Loss as a Cultural Phenomenon in a Garifuna Town. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia.