The crazy Juan

El Juan loco

Object Details

Subject LanguageNahuatl, Central
Language PID(s)ailla:119512
Title [Indigenous]In Juan Loko
Language of Indigenous Titlenhn
TitleThe crazy Juan
Language CommunitySan Isidro Buensuceso
Place CreatedTlaxcala, Mexico
Date Created2007-01-06
Description [Indigenous]Inin tlapwil mihtoa ompa okatka ome iknimeh. Se itoka Juan loko wan in okse Juan kwalli. In Juan loko okmiktih ninantsin. Tons in ome iknimeh ocholohkeh den ompa. In yehwan okasikeh tekitl itech in okse pueblotsin wan omomiktihkeh. Nin tlapwil tlayekoa kwak in Juan loko miki.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionnhn
DescriptionThe story is about two brothers. One of them is Juan loco and the other Juan is good. Juan loco kills his mother. Then the two brothers have to leave the town. They find work and begin to fight. The story ends with the death of Juan loco. (google translate)
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Contributor(s) Individual / Role (Compiler)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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