The bird mimincueo

El pájaro mimincueo

Object Details

Subject LanguageNahuatl, Central
Language PID(s)ailla:119512
Title [Indigenous]in tototsintli miminkweo
Language of Indigenous Titlenhn
TitleThe bird mimincueo
Language CommunitySan Isidro Buensuceso
Place CreatedTlaxcala, Mexico
Date Created2007-01-05
Description [Indigenous]Nin tlapwil kihtoa kil sepan okatka se pipiltontsin den okmiktih nikninitsin wan nitahtsin okiwikak itech in kwahtlan wan ompa in piltsintli omokwep itech se tototsintli wan san omokwikatiaya miminkweo miminkweo.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionnhn
DescriptionThis is the story of a boy who kills his little brother. His father takes the dead baby to the forest and becomes a little bird. (google translate)
Source Note
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleFlores Nájera, Lucero (Compiler)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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