Collection Language | Kaqchikel
Language PID | ailla:119517
Title [Indigenous] | |
Language of Indigenous Title | |
Title | The Kaqchikel Collection of Raina Heaton |
Country(ies) | Guatemala
Collector(s) | Heaton, Raina
Depositor(s) | Heaton, Raina
Project/Collector Website | |
Description [Indigenous] | Ja re moloj tzij re' nuya' chqe jub'a chïk etamab'äl chi rij qach'ab'äl. Xb'an ri grabaciones wawe' chupam ri ruwaq ik' k'a pa ri ruwaqxaq ik' richin ri juna' 2013-2016. Ja re samaj re' nab'ey chi rij antipasivos, ergatividad de la sintaxis, y tzij achi'el yojb'ekitz'eta' pa qach'ab'äl. Richin nqetamaj, xinkusaj tzij o ch'ab'alil (oraciones) b'anon yan, y xink'utuj chike re winaqi' achike xkinojij, wi ütz o man ütz ta, o achike rub'eyal nkib'ij pa kich'ab'äl rije'. Chuqa xink'üt chke taq achib'äl, y xink'utuj chi nkib'ij achike nib'anatäj chupam ri achib'äl, achi'el "jun ala' niq'eten ri ti xtän". Re achib'äl re' xtichuqa ri cholajem ri tzij xink'utuj xtilitäj chupam junam ri carpetas kik'in kigrabaciones. Tiwetamaj chi man kan ta konojel ri tzij xkiya' pe ri winaqi' xekusäx chupam ri ti wuj petenäq re samaj re', y konojel kitzij ri winaqi' man e k'o ta wawe'. Chuqa, e k'o chupam re moloj tzij re' jujun rutijonik ri tijonel Marvin Lopez Ramirez pa Nimaläj Kaqchikel Amaq', ronojel pa qach'ab'äl. RI Ma Xwan Ajsivinac Sian xtz'eto, xtz'ib'an, xch'ob'o rutzij ri Marvin. RI samaj chi rij movimiento y antipasivos xtoj koma ri Fundación Bilinski y la Universidad de Hawaii Consejo Consultivo de Arte y Ciencia. Ja ri samaj chi rij ri tijonik pa qach'ab'äl xtoj koma ri Instituto Smithsoniano y la Nimatijob'äl de Hawaii. |
Language of Indigenous Description | cak |
Description | The collection provides information about Kaqchikel, a Mayan language spoken in the highlands of Guatemala. The audio files in this collection were recorded during the summers of 2013-2016, primarily for the purpose of the study of antipassives, syntactic ergativity, and movement constructions. Many of the recordings involve elicitation tasks, either from a list of questions/sentences or picture elicitation. The picture files and/or elicitation documents corresponding to each task can be found with the files they pertain to. Note that not all responses or all interviews were used for the production of associated publications, and not all of the data collected are found here as audio files. This collection also includes recordings of Kaqchikel immersion classes at Nimaläj Kaqchikel Amaq'. The transcriptions of those classes were created and analyzed by Juan Ajsivinac Sian. The collection of the movement and antipassive data was funded by the Bilinski Foundation and the University of Hawaii Arts and Sciences Advisory Council, while the analysis of the immersion classes was funded by the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Hawaii. |
References | Heaton, Raina. 2017. A typology of antipassives, with special reference to Mayan. Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa