There was a man who had a cornfield and badger ate it

Había un hombre que tenía una milpa y el tejón la comía

Object Details

Subject LanguageTzeltal
Language PID(s)ailla:119666
Title [Indigenous]Sk'oplal te namey 7ay la juna tech toyol yax laj ta kot'om te bi 7ayu7un le ta sk'al
Language of Indigenous Titletzh
TitleThere was a man who had a cornfield and badger ate it
Language CommunityTseltal
Place CreatedOxchuc, Chiapas, Mexico
Date Created1960-00-00
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis resource contains a narrative about There was a man who had a cornfield and badger ate it. It only has the Tseltal transcription.
Source NoteC01737
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleKaufman, Terrence (Researcher)
Gómez López, José (Speaker)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

Media Files

There are 2 objects in this resource
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