Talk about how 25 years ago passed the plague of grasshoppers (# 25)

Plática de cómo hace 25 años pasó la plaga de chapulines (#25)

Object Details

Subject LanguageTzeltal
Language PID(s)ailla:119666
Title [Indigenous]Sk'oplal te namey te 7ayixta yo7excha7 winikal habil te bit'il k'axte k'ulub (#2
Language of Indigenous Titletzh
TitleTalk about how 25 years ago passed the plague of grasshoppers (# 25)
Language CommunityTseltal
Place CreatedOxchuc, Chiapas, Mexico
Date Created1960-00-00
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis resource contains a narrative about a Talk about how 25 years ago passed the plague of grasshoppers (#25). It has two files:

I001: Tseltal transcription of the text Sk'oplal te namey te 7ayixta yo7excha7 winikal habil te bit'il k'axte k'ulub (#25)
I002: Spanish translation of the text above Talk about how 25 years ago passed the plague of grasshoppers (# 25)
Source NoteC01374, C01376
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleGómez López, José (Speaker)
Kaufman, Terrence (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

Media Files

There are 4 objects in this resource
ObjectFile TypesAccess Level
