SSQ - Saasaaquiicuaa Iiyuu

SSQ - Saasaaquiicuaa Iiyuu

Object Details

Subject LanguageIquito
Language PID(s)ailla:119522
Title [Indigenous]SSQ - Saasaaquiicuaa Iiyuu
Language of Indigenous Titleiqu
TitleSSQ - Saasaaquiicuaa Iiyuu
Language Community
Place CreatedSan Antonio de Pintuyacu, Loreto
Date Created2004-08-04
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis is a story of the ancestors. It is about how the many powerful shamans took many different purges (mind-altering substances) so that they could fly up to visit God. In this story, three shamans take saasaaquiicuaa, visit God, and come back to tell the ancestors what heaven was like.

The resource consists of a recording (I001) of 29:38 minutes, 23:50 minutes of Iquito and about 6 minutes of Spanish and a document containing the original Iquito with Spanish translation.
Source Note
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleDíaz Cuyasa, Hermenegildo (Speaker)
Beier, Christine (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

Media Files

There are 3 objects in this resource
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