Matsigenka Texts

Cuentos Matsigenkas

Object Details

Collection LanguageMatsigenka
Language PIDailla:119767
Title [Indigenous]Kenkitsarintsi Matsigenka
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleMatsigenka Texts
Collector(s)Michael, Lev
Beier, Christine
Depositor(s)Michael, Lev
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis collection is derived from six notebooks containing hand-written texts authored by José Vargas Pereira (1 notebook, 4 of its texts in this deposit) and Haroldo Vargas Pereira (5 notebooks, 166 of their texts in this deposit) between February and May 2011. All the texts are written in Matsigenka with line-by-line free translations in Spanish (Peruvian Castellano). The authors are brothers; both are fluent in Matsigenka and Spanish. The texts include (1) traditional Matsigenka narratives, (2) more recent historical narratives, (3) auto-ethnographic descriptions of Matsigenka culture and practices, and (4) personal narratives. These notebooks (plus three more by Haroldo Vargas Pereira that are not included in this depost) were solicited of the authors by Michael and Beier in order to help develop a corpus of Matsigenka texts, and were paid for as part of Michael's research project "Documentation and Analysis of Matsigenka, an endangered Amazonian Language", funded by a Hellman Family Faculty Fund Award in 2010. Typing of the hand-written texts was done primarily by Beier. The typed texts were reviewed line by line by either Michael or Beier in consultation with the authors, and were corrected as necessary. The reviewed and corrected texts were then parsed in FLEx (Fieldworks Language Explorer) by either Michael or O’Hagan.
AILLA Administrative Documents - Beier and Michael
Depositor License Agreement., Acuerdo de la licencia del depositante.
Matsigenka Texts, 2011 (version June 2013)
This resource is derived from six notebooks containing hand-written texts authored by José Vargas Pereira (1 notebook, 4 of its texts in this deposit) and Haroldo Vargas Pereira (5 notebooks, 166 of their texts in this deposit) between February and May 2011. All the texts are written in Matsigenka with line-by-line free translations in Spanish (Peruvian Castellano). The authors are brothers; both are fluent in Matsigenka and Spanish. The texts include (1) traditional Matsigenka narratives, (2) more recent historical narratives, (3) auto-ethnographic descriptions of Matsigenka culture and practices, and (4) personal narratives. These notebooks (plus three more by Haroldo Vargas Pereira that are not included in this depost) were solicited of the authors by Michael and Beier in order to help develop a corpus of Matsigenka texts, and were paid for as part of Michael's research project "Documentation and Analysis of Matsigenka, an endangered Amazonian Language", funded by a Hellman Family Faculty Fund Award in 2010. Typing of the hand-written texts was done primarily by Beier. The typed texts were reviewed line by line by either Michael or Beier in consultation with the authors, and were corrected as necessary. The reviewed and corrected texts were then parsed in FLEx (Fieldworks Language Explorer) by either Michael or O’Hagan. I001: This file is a PDF generated from a XeLaTex base file that was in turn generated by a Python script from an XML export of a corpus of texts parsed using the Fieldworks Linguistic Explorer (FLEx) application. These texts were written originally authored in Matsigenka by Haroldo Vargas Pereira and José Vargas Pereira, with accompanying line-by-line free translations into Spanish., Esta recurso viene de seis cuadernos de textos escritos por mano por José Vargas Pereira (1 cuaderno, de lo cual vienen 4 de los texts en I001) y Haroldo Vargas Pereira (5 cuadernos, de lo cual vienen 166 de los texts en I001) entre febrero y mayo de 2011. Todos los textos están estritos en matsigenka con cada linea traducido al castellano (Peruviano). Los autores son hermanos; ambos hablan matsigenka y castellano. Incluídos en los textos son los siguientes géneros: (1) narrativos tradicionales matsigenkas, (2) narrativos históricos más recientes, (3) descripciones auto-etnográficas de la cultura y las prácticas matsigenkas y (4) narrativos personales. Michael y Beier pidieron los narrativos de los autores para ayudar desarollar un corpus de textos matsigenkas. Los autores fueron pagados como parte del proyecto de investigaciones de Michael que se llama "Documentation and Analysis of Matsigenka, an endangered Amazonian Language" y que fue financiado por un premio Hellman Family Faculty Fund Award en 2010. Fue Beier, principalmente, quien escribió a máquina los textos. Michael y Beier revisaron linea por linea todos los textos mientras consultando con los autores y hicieron las correcciones necesarias. Michael y O'Hagan hicieron las interlinearizaciones en FLEx (Fieldworks Language Explorer). I001: Este archivo es un PDF generado de un archivo de XeLaTex que fue generado de una secuencia de comandos de Python de una exportación XML de un corpus de textos que fueron interlinearizados usando Fieldworks Linguistic Explorer (FLEx). Estes texts fueron escritos en matsigenka por Haroldo Vargas Pereira y José Vargas Pereira. Cada linea está traducido al castellano., Quillabamba, Peru, mcb_text_collection_30jun2013_v1.pdf