What Viewing Language as a Substance Might Tell Us about Vaupes Mulitilingualism

Qué viendo un idioma como una sustancia pueda decirnos del plurilingüismo del Vaupés

Object Details

Subject LanguageBarasana
Language PID(s)ailla:119786
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleWhat Viewing Language as a Substance Might Tell Us about Vaupes Mulitilingualism
Language Community
Place Created
Date Created2021-06-25
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionPresentation abstract: Our understanding of Vaupés multilingualism is sometimes clouded by reliance on outdated kinship theory in which pre-existing descent groups ‘own’ reified ‘languages’ that serve as ‘emblems' or ‘badges’ to which people owe ‘loyalty’. An alternative is to view language as a kind of substance that is constitutive of the individuals and groups involved. But what kind of substance? To answer this question requires shifting attention from a diversity of languages to a diversity of -lects, including shamanic spells and flute music. This opens the way to examining the relation between speech, breath, semen and soul, and to viewing language, music and tobacco smoke as devices that give added substance to breath. In the Vaupés context, in its role as a substance constitutive of persons, language is something that is smeared on the body, trapped in the ears and eaten through the mouth.
Source Note
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleHugh-Jones, Stephen (Author)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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